Category "javascript"

React Material Table : onRowAdd not refreshing

I am using Material Table for displaying table data. Using onRowAdd, I am able to add a new row but the page is not refershing. It reloads and get stuck then I

Is there a way to convert handlebars syntax to the golang template language?

Is there a safe way to easily convert standard handlebars templating syntax to the templating syntax used in golang(e.g. {{.Lookup "Question"}})? I have a Jenki

How to assign ROLES in _user DB for Cloudant

How do I add Roles to users in the Cloudant user database?(_users) I have not been able to sort this out using Google or Cloudant Docs. I see some mention of a

Filepond with multiple instances on one page: only the last instance uploads correctly

I am using Filepond, an otherwise amazing plugin, but when I try to place multiple instances on the same page, only the last instance uploads correctly. All the

AlpineJS disable x-on:click if some condition happened

My Issue: I want to disable the x-on:click on the step = 1. So if you are on the website and are currently on step = 1 the button wont work, it only works if st

Polymer 1.x: Incompatible with native web-components?

(tl;dr - yes. However Polymer 2.0 is not and is an easy upgrade.) I am trying to migrate an old front-end code base away from polymer 1.11.3 (webcomponentsjs 0.

How to resolve or reject a promise from the result of another promise?

Really sorry if this has been answered, I've searched everywhere and can't find the exact problem I'm facing. Take this as the example: const fetchData = (email

How can I check if a checkbox is checked?

I am building a mobile web app with jQuery Mobile and I want to check if a checkbox is checked. Here is my code. <script type=text/javascript> function

How can i change the name or message of a JavaScript Error object used in Sentry?

I have a JavaScript error object that I have caught in code. It has a name, message, stack etc that I want to log at the backend. I am using sentry for that. Bu

Is there a way to make an api call within a map of another api call?

I know the title is quite confusing, I wasn't sure how to word it better. What I am trying to do is to fetch some items, map through those items to display them

How to align separate svg text elements like character alignment in word

I am working with an svg text element and I need to create separate <text></text> element per character of a particular word, Lorem in this case. Fo

Show/Hide Post Text Item Oracle APEX

I have a Post Text Item at the end of my text fields. When I click on it, it shows a PopUp, that retrieves a key to insert in one of my tables. It is possible

MaterialUI - 'StylesProvider' cannot be used as a JSX component

I have an app written in React with TypeScript and lately after refreshing node modules and the lockfile I am getting this error when trying to run the app: Typ

How to make React Native Scroll Item animation effect - in SectionList like flatlist

Link for animation in flatList I want to created just like this in sectionlist but when I apply this all the sections item animate at the same time.

Run Adobe PDF script when document is saved

I am attempting to place the script below in Document Actions under "Document Did Save". I'm not sure how to complete the if statements. I would like the script

TimeoutError: Timeout exceeded while waiting for event after click on button in autotest

Registration on the site consists of three stages. The first step is to provide a name, email address. When you submit the form of the first step, you are redir

vanillajs-datepicker get date on click (change)

I'm trying to get a date when I click on a calendar date (change). The doc says there is a event trigger. But can't get it to work. I made a custom Event Listen

uniswap V2 invalid BigNumber value for JSBI negative value

Hi I was following uniswapV2 document to perform a trade transaction and I encounter error as follow invalid bignumber value I got my input amount as 2941991120

Way of setting the duration of a particle spawner loop help and way of stopping the function loop

I am using Pixi.js to spawn some particles on a canvas, but I need the particles to be spawning only for some time (3 seconds). I created a loop function that s

I imported jsx files but can't use/ import it in ReactJS [closed]

I use these 2 classes : auth.js import React from 'react'; import log from './../components/log/'; const auth = () => { return (