Category "android"

androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout cannot be cast to android.widget.TextView

I'm trying to learn Android development, but the problem is that my app crash every time I tried to run it and I get these errors in logcat: 2019-06-30 16:17:1

ImageView exceeds parent android studio xml

How do I make a child ImageView clip to the bounds of its parent? When I add an ImageView as a child to a parent view with rounded corners, the child ImageView

Last navigation gets resubmitted

Okay, so I'm not sure, what exactly triggers that. But I have a suspicion. Sadly it will get hard to make a MWE, since it is a very complex app with lots of fra

Android app doesn't work the same with mobile data as with wifi

I have an App which repeatedly gets some data from an API. That works really good when I have a wifi connection. But with mobile data my request either times ou

Emulator process for AVD was killed

I just downloaded Android Studio, so everything is freshly installed but I keep getting the error Emulator process for AVD was killed, : HAXM is installed, but

Trying to get the dynamic link that opened the app on Android 12 gives incomplete link

I am creating a share button for a post on the feed. I am generating a unique link using Firebase Dynamic Links with a custom parameter at the end. On Android 1

Plugin [id: ''] was not found in any of the following sources

I get the following warning when I want to use @AndroidEntryPoint which is a property of hilt in my project. Expected @AndroidEntryPoint to have a value. Did y

I want to send a verification link to users email without using firebase authentication [Flutter]

A website is already made up and I have to make application of that website using flutter but the website is not using Firebase authentication and sending email

Sending an ID or an object as String to the next screen in Jetpack Compose?

I have 30 users displayed in a LazyColumn. On user click, I navigate forward to UserDetailsScreen. My question, is it better to pass the ID of the user and crea

Why Android Studio profiler heap dump showing about 7x overhead for an arraylist?

I was wondering and testing object's memory allocation on Android/Java and found something strange happening on heap, well maybe it's just normal. Here is what

How can I fix java.lang.AssertionError: annotationType(): unrecognized Attribute name MODULE?

On my flutter project, using fvm, I migrated the project from flutter 2.0.6 to flutter 2.5.2. After fixing all null safesty issues. I get the following error wh

Javadoc and Android studio : Cannot find symbol

I am currently working an Android app (on Android Studio, using mainly Java). I want to generate javadoc (using the Tools -> Generate menu). Following this o

I get the error "Invalid item ID firebaseappcheckinterop-16.0.0-beta01" during build

The question is as the title suggests. The environment is Xamarin.Forms in Visual Studio 2019 on Windows. The error is not occurring in another project, and I t

Android 12 - PROVISIONING_SUCCESSFUL intent never received

We are migrating our Device policy app to Android 12 last API. during our test we notice that the intent PROVISIONING_SUCCESSFUL was never received so the relat

Firebase data message to specific android app versions

i have an android app and i want to send a firebase data message to inform the users of a new app version available in the play store. I am sending a data messa

Reading a Config File in Android from a Golang Bind Service

I have a Golang program from which I have created a package using gomobile bind. It creates two files abcd.jar and abcd.aar. I have copied these 2 files to the

How to save encrypted password in sqlite database in android studio

I am creating an application with a login username and password and I want to store the password in encrypted form in SQLite I do not how how to achieve this ta

Weird Problem Trying to compile Android Emulator

Script to replicate git clone cd qemu ./ Gives me: Auto-config: --ui=sdl2 Auto-conf

incompatible types: View cannot be converted to LinearLayout

When I want to make Apk file I get 8 errors, I hope someone helps me to fix it Task :app:compileReleaseJavaWithJavac FAILED C:\Codes\code\app\src\main\ja

SHA1 SHA256 command

So I created an android app from the while running the "keytool" command from the "Authenticating your client" site for firebase on the project folder, I get th