Category "mysql"

MariaDB: Unknown data type "MYSQL_JSON"

According to MariaDB's website, you can simply replace MySQL with MariaDB. Great, I thought, however after installing MariaDB (10.5.7), some of my InnoDB tables

MY SQL Sequelize Unique Value not working as intended

I am trying to code a website to work with ReactJS, NodeJs and MySQL. I have been using Sequelize and it works but i realised that it allows all usernames even

Error while importing CSV file in database

I try to import a CSV file in my database, I don't have any error but no rows are insert I checked my field name My table structure is: CREATE TABLE IF NOT E

How to Connect SQL Server to MySQL using Linked Server ODBC Connection

I'm trying to create a linked server from my SQL Server to a MySQL db. No matter what I do, I get the following error: Cannot initialize the data source object

increment via trigger varchar value in the column

please help to solve one problem - I need to create after insert in table row with incremented value id number 1 inc1 2 inc2 I need to insert inc3 in number c

TypeError: require(...) is not a function while Using sequalize with node js

I am beginner in web dev and trying to create a Full stack project using Mysql Express React Node js. Facing this TypeError issue while using Sequalize with nod

How to get mysql result in following format

Database Tables: The below tables contain the information about users and their licenses. Note: One user can have multiple licenses. users table Users( 'user_id

How to find the selected id in my List<String> ids arraylist?

Here is my code. I am trying to use JUnit to test the deleteUsers() method, but everytime I write my test, it deletes all the users that I have in the database.

NodeJS Mysql Query with multiple fields in where clause

I'm working with MySQL for a while and also built an API in NodeJS including mySQL for work Basically i need a query like "SELECT * FROM table WHERE fieldA=varA

Laravel Mixing of GROUP columns (MIN(),MAX(),COUNT(),...) on a sub query with "ROW_NUMBER() OVER PARTITION"

I know there are tons of question that includes that error, but I haven't seen one that incldues a subquery with row_numbers. Ok so I have this raw query which

How to get records that has relationship with all records in another table in many to many relationships in MySQL?

I am using Laravel 8 and MySQL8. I have these tables: products id - integer name - string factories id - integer name - string factory_product

How to fetch the data from multiple tables order by SUM query?

I have different tables like profiles, tournaments, tournamentdate, tournamentresult and pigeons. Profiles columns > ProfileId, Name, Address, etc. Tournamen

How to fix " Uncaught TypeError: Argument 1 passed to JpGraphException::defaultHandler() " problem in php 7.1.3 and jpgraph 4.2.6?

I'm working on a graph with a Satisfaction form with a database with jpgraph and I've encountered some issues with an handler error. This is my program: <?

Get date of max hours worked

Tables: Employee ( ID , Name ) EmployeeHours ( EmployeeID ,Date, Hours ) This is my requirement: Write a sql for following results for a year EmployeeI

Error Code: 2068 while loading csv file into MySql

I am using Amazon RDS MySql for data storage. I am able to load data by specifying the column values, however, when I try to load the data from my local machine

How can I use dynamic whitelist on yairEO/tagify?

I'm working on a WordPress project with PHP & MySQL and I am using Tagify for create some tags. The trouble is that I want to have a dynamic whitelist based

How to index IN/OR in WHERE clause

I have query that use IN and OR in clause and cant manage to use index. Any ideas how to rework query to use index ? I tried with UNION as @ErgestBasha suggest

Access mysql running on localhost from minikube

I am running some services in minikube and trying to connect to mysql running on localhost( on 3306 port. I read this and trying to create service a

dynamic column data insert mysql

[![enter image description here][1]][1] the highlighted column needs to be updated with value from other tables which are linked on the basis of value of column

Setting ft_stopword_file back to default (built-in) without restarting MySQL

I need to test something by changing the ft_stopword_file without restarting the server. I know that SET GLOBAL works to change global variables until the next