Category "ios"

Undefined symbol: nominal type descriptor for Swift.UInt8

I am trying to run react native app in a Mac Mini with Apple M1 chipset.The project run well on intel based system but not running on M1. When I build I got fo

Transparent TabBar when popping Child NavigationView iOS 15

I have a SwiftUI application with a TabBar. If I open a detail child view from a NavigationView, and then click on "Back", the TabBar would become transparent,

Navigation stuff in SwiftUI

I'm trying to figure out how to use the navigation bar in SwiftUI I want to put BarButtonItem and images inside the NavigationBar I have been able to display

Unable to load the URL in iOS WebView when the button is clicked for the first time

The mobile app is all about showing a SharePoint website in a WebView. I am trying to get the URL of a third party website on click of a button which is a part

How to change icon color in UIAction inside UIMenu? [duplicate]

Trying to change icon color in UIAction but changing tint does not seem to work at all. Any idea? let imageView = UIImage(systemName: "eye")!

Stop Diffable Data Source scrolling to top after refresh

How can I stop a diffable data source scrolling the view to the top after applying the snapshot. I currently have this... fileprivate func configureDataSo

Center View horizontally in SwiftUI

How can I center horizontally a View (Image) in an HStack? I want a button to be left aligned and the image to be centered horizontally the view. Currently I ha

getting a payment failed unexpected error in razorpay in react native ios and android

I am integrating a razorpay payment gateway in my react native app . whenever I'm trying to open a razorpay checkout UI its first open a pop up with a loader an

ITMS-90683: Missing Purpose String in Info.plist NSCameraUsageDescription

I upload my app in app store successfully. App store send me an email like this: App Store Connect Dear Developer, We identified one or more issu

Diffable Data Source with a custom collection view layout?

Here I have created a sample app that uses diffable data source for a collection view with a custom collection view layout. The specific layout I am using is fr

App Icon Only Changes After Device Reboot

I am implementing custom app icons for my iOS app, and everything works in the simulator. But when I try on device I get errrors: +[LSApplicationProxy applicati

Xcode Canvas for SwiftUI previews does not show up

I´m trying to get the new Canvas feature from Xcode 11 running, but the Canvas won´t show up. What am I doing wrong? This new Xcode feature should s

iOS 14 UIPickerView color of the selected row

in iOS 14 the UIPickerView has default a grey background on the selected Row, I can't find a way to change it

iOS: How to listen hotspot turn on, turn off notification events

I am working on an application where I need to observe the hotspot events e.g. there must be a callback when the mobile hotspot turn on also when turn off. I ha

How to use UIApplicationDelegateAdaptor as ObservableObject?

In my iOS 14 App, I can register the legacy AppDelegate by doing this: @main struct MyApp: App { #if os(iOS) @UIApplicationDelegateAdaptor(AppDeleg

How To create a folder inside a Album in iOS iPhone Using Xamarin form

Hello Developer I want to create a a directory inside a Album in iOS using Xamarin form ,I need to use this directory to store all my capture images

Crashlytics: What does compiler-generated means?

I'm using Firebase Crashlytics to get crash reports from my iOS app and I get some crashes that I don't understand with a <compiler-generated> error messa

SnapSDK integration not working properly, Snapshot shows error: Something went wrong. Please try again later

I followed all the steps from documentation and integrated SnapSDK in my iOS app but when I click the share button in my app it directs me to the snapchat but e

Preview not changing device to iPhone SE when using SwiftUI

I am new to SwiftUI and I was trying to change my preview device to iPhone SE but the device does not change. When I update the text "Hello, world!" to somethin

How to hide suggested email id from keyboard in swift

I want to hide email suggestion which is displaying while i choose email textField in my application. I have tried different options like below but none of them