Category "html"

disable other buttons using

I have ten expansion panels. on click of one button in one expansion panel I need to disable other buttons in other expansion panel but the problem is when I tr

Does length of CSS code determine the loading speed of website? [duplicate]

I am beginner. I want to know, Does length of CSS code determine the loading speed of website?? Please tell me about relation of code and load

How to create a zig zag pattern using CSS

On a repeated background, the edges of the repeated tiles don't align exactly on certain zoom levels. This leads to unwanted edges as the color of the backgroun

Unable to render .MSG files via "[MSG file URL]" on HTML iframe

I have to render some office files( .doc, .ppt, .xls, .msg, .eml) which are publicly accessible documents on the browser. I was using iframe like below and it

How to convert these inline style in html into react?

Hi Inside the html people use these kind of styles to animate. I am actually following the pen from alphadex Link. I never see this kind of writing in HTML befo

The <picture> Element in html5 shows not different images by resize

I found this code : I have tried it on all my browsers and it's been working properly

Chrome: HTML date input produces strange comma

Whenever I use "input with type="date"" in Chrome, there is a strange comma on the left of the date input. There is no such comma in Firefox and I cannot find a

Number of sibling elements in a calculation in SCSS

I'd like to customize an animation in SCSS based on how many sibling elements the animated element has. The full SCSS code is here for reference, however the re

Make custom checkbox switch Label element a11y tab / keyboard accessible

So I'm trying to make custom slider that's cross browser (IE11, Chrome, Firefox, Edge) that's also a11y accessible and I'm having trouble getting the label elem

Numeric and alphabetic sorting XML table error from buttons

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <style> table,th,td { border : 1px solid black; border-collapse: collapse; } th,td { padding: 5px; } </style&g

ASP.NET show dynamic changes on all clients

I'm a beginner with ASP.NET and webapplications in general. For a project I have to interact with an enginnering software to read some data, for this I have to

How can I access mobile front camera and record a video in Js?

I am making a app with: Html, Css and Javascript, and I want that app access mobile front camera and record a video off the user face, I am usin Adobe Phone Gap

@media query not working with 2 display: none; tags

I created a website and I used 2 divs, 1 has all the code for the desktop layout and one has all the code for mobile, I did this and would like to keep it this

Why are the "date" and "time" entries not displayed correctly in Google Chrome Mobile?

I have a small scheduling system that I developed (Look here). The "date" and "time" entries are showing normally in most desktop and mobile browsers: But for

Loading saved messages using socket shows duplicates to other users

So basically I have a chat app in html and nodejs and js and I am trying to load messages that were sent previously so people can see chat history if they join

flutter web on GitHub Pages not showing content

I am trying to release my existing flutter project on the web (it already is working on iOS and android). According to this great article: How to embed your Flu

How to save activities for user HTML/JavaScript/jQuery

I made favorite buttons and if user clicks on it, it will save specific favorited item to a different page with LocalStorage. Code works perfectly but now I wan

How Can I make onclick event on a li with pseudo-element ::before

I have created a Timeline using and elements. The result looks like that: I need to click on the second circle and automatically the line that is between f

how to increment the url onclick of button next

I have url for page 1 as on click of button next i need the url updated for page 2 as

How to change color of a select on keypress

I am trying to create a form. I am using a <datalist> tag as well as an <input> tag, so that a user can also type an option or just select an option