Category "angular"

Angular 10 - cannot force error using HttpClient delete()

so I'm following an Angular tutorial right now and in the error-handling-chapter I'm currently stuck because I cannot force an error to appear when feeding a Ht

Paginator set always at the first page primeng

The user, after a research that loads values in table, can use pagination to show the other pages with the other value. The problem is that the user see pagina

single-spa - how to load an Angular app without using SystemJS

I have an AngularJS version 1.4 application and I want to migrate to Angular 12+ . So I decided to use single-spa to integrate the new Angular App to the Legacy

Bootstrap modal dialog is disabled in a project where Material modules are added

I am transferring my Bootstrap based Angular 11 project to Material based. Menu, Sidenav and new Material based components are working well. However my old Boot

Angular 12 - TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'writeValue')

Angular 12 - TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'writeValue') I'm creating a generic text input component, everything works well while serving t

Angular 12 css fallback

Angular 12's css are generating a fallback for css's variables. How can I prevent that?

Error in console: ng.probe is not a function

Yesterday I updated Angular CLI and core to 8.0.0v. After that I successfully initialized a new app and ran it. Once the app was built and served on localhost:4

delay modules preload after first app rendering

I'm currently working on a single page app. in the main page several card are displayed. These cards may be enabled or disabled. If disabled, only the title of

.cdk-drag-preview not applying styles

I am using the cdk Drag and Drop from angular material, but the drag preview is not working as intended.. I want the preview to look exactly like the element be

How can I execute ng test for all components of sub modul of Angular app

I have my angular app, declared like this: app.module.ts export class AppModule {} for which I can run tests with ng test MyApp Within this app, I have mul

ag-grid not respecting column order of columns set in ColumnDefinitions

According to ag-grid, the column order will follow the order they were specified in column definitions. Reference But this is not working when working with ag-g

Polling requests using rjxs and angular

I am trying to create continuous polling using rxjs and angular. Below is an implementation of my requirement. My app.component template has for instance 2 or

mat-paginator breaks when mat-table is inside of NgIf

I have an angular project that is using mat-table and mat-paginator for a certain view, the problem is the view has a grid view and table view with a toggle, th

Why does Angular httpClient returns an Observable instead of a Promise? [closed]

I made a spring reactive backend which returns Flux<> object. When I call the service with angular httpClient and subscribe to the obser

Using CSS hover property in Angular directive?

Here is the directive, the default one. import { Directive, Input, Renderer2, ElementRef } from '@angular/core'; @Directive({ selector: '[newBox]' }) export

Override PrimeNG component CSS

I am using PrimeNG OverlayPanel to be displayed in dropdown click but I have a problem to move default left arrow to right position. I tried everything that was

Is there any way to modify the MatDialog overlay order?

I want to implement basic dialog handling in my application, with 2 functions: To close all open dialogs: Easy with MatDialog.closeAll(); Enable the user to swi

DIsplay popup when user refresh the page in angular 8

I want to show popup when user refresh/close tab in angular 8. I used candeactivate gaurd but its working when I change the route but not when I refresh/close t

Is there a way to get an initial event when using firestore/angularfire collectionChanges() on an empty collection

I am using Firestore with AngularFire and am currently trying NgRx for a new feature. As recommended, I am using collectionChanges instead of collectionData, to

How to solve this error Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'fs'

I have created new angular project with electron.I do need to set up the electron. I have got below errors. ERROR in ./node_modules/electron/index.js Module