Category ""

How can I get the full source (HTML) of a web-page with vba?

I am trying to automate a work task using excel VBA. I can't seem to get all the source code. I created this simple code to test it. dim IE as object Dim S as S

ODataQueryOptions do not response the property which is my custom class

I have an entity like this public class MyDto { public string string1; public string string2; public MyCustomClass myCustomClass; } I have two cont

Tenants Not Loading When Adding Azure AD Service Dependency

I'm attempting to add an AAD service dependency to a new ASP.NET Core Web App (MVC) project. I went to Connected Services, clicked on "Add a service dependency"

Call external library from web form

I need to call a function which sets off a bunch of long running database operations from an asp web page. My function is in an external class library. I simply

ASP.NET show dynamic changes on all clients

I'm a beginner with ASP.NET and webapplications in general. For a project I have to interact with an enginnering software to read some data, for this I have to

Compilation error after publishing individual Razor page. Persists after publishing entire project. ("Compilation references may be missing")

Today I was working on a .NET Core 3.0 project (VS 2019). I added a CSS class to a <span> on one of my pages. That's it. Nothing else. I figured publishin

Error "dotnet : Could not find any project in `C:\**." when running "dotnet add package Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.MicrosoftAccount"

I have visual studio 2019 and i created a new core 2.2 project. now i am following these steps Configure Microsoft Account Authentication to enable exte

Asp.Net Web Forms App integrate into MS Teams

I have a Asp.Net Web Forms app which I have built. I would like to have it integrated into a MS Teams site, but im unsure which Authentication model to use wit

How to type cast of a session object into a class object in c#

i have a class called user. I put that class object into session. My question is, how can i retrieve that object into another page? var user = obj.user; var use

UI changes not persisting in ASP.Net application

I have a table that's hidden by default. When clicking the search button, I'm using jQuery to remove the d-none class and show the table. <input type="submi

Is there a way to use .NET 6 class library project as a DLL or project reference in the ASP.NET Webforms application (.NET Framework 4.8)?

Is there a way to use .NET 6 class library project as a DLL or project reference in the ASP.NET Webforms application (.NET Framework 4.8)? I have an ASP.NET web

How to modify port in .Net framework web api

I write a demo program, to use .NET Framework Web Api2. For some reason, I have to use .NET Framework rather than .Net Core. But I've got a problem, how to modi

How to Publish dotnet webapi application that have mutiple projects to iis

[![this is my webApi project solution structure.this have multiple projects added][1]][1] how can i publish these kind of projects in visual studio 2019 [1]: ht

CSHTML WYSIWYG editor/previewer

I wanted to create an Application, but I can't find a WYSIWYG editor in Visual Studio or even a Previewer, is the only way to see what your page looks l

How do I solve error with Active Directory Search using user name

Im using the the below C# code to try search active directory for a user's email address by passing username. but this returns error using System.Text; using S

Override and New Keywords (C# Programming)

Understand that Override and New Keywords can help to either implement the base methods or the child methods. But when using the real time examples, I don't see

ASP.Net WebSocket how to simulate error event?

I just want to do like this on ASP.NET WebSocket. When my WebSocket server catches internal server error, I want my WebSocket server to send an error to clients

Asp.Net Client Certificate Authentication - Issue with website re-prompting for client PIN

I have an ASP.NET 5 web application that is setup to use client certificate authentication, specifically a DoD CAC. I followed Microsoft's guidance (here) to se

How to restrict a download in web forms?

I have this code in the page_load method of an ASP.NET .aspx page that downloads a particular file from the same web site: System.IO.FileInfo file = new System.

System.UnauthorizedAccessException in mscorlib.dll

I was developing an ASP.NET application. Then I did not test the application in the debugger of Visual Studio, but transferred it via File Deploy to another ser