Category "blazor"

How to turn on CircuitOptions.DetailedErrors?

I'm getting this message in the console when running a server-side Blazor app: Error: There was an unhandled exception on the current circuit, so this cir

How Can I Pass an Object Property to a Razor Component as a Parameter

I have a razor component library where I'm creating custom, reusable components. I have a "ContentItem" component that I would like to simply bind the property

How does cascaded parameter Task<AthenticationState> get unwrapped and exposed as "context" in AuthorizeView and AuthorizedRouteView in Blazor WASM?

There is a an object of type AuthenticationState named "context" that is available inside AuthorizeView and AuthorizedRouteView components. This object allows t

Blazor: Drag & Drop list elements

I would like to know how to bind Drag & Drop events to rearrange items in a list. This is the code I have: <PageTitle>Drag & Drop</PageTitle>

Is there a way in Blazor to reverse map wasm-function(#) back to the c# method?

I am running a Blazor page on Chrome and I see from the Chrome profiler that it is spending a lot of time in the code wasm-function(633). Is there any way for

ITrackingConsentFeature not working in production

I have a cookie consent banner in my blazor server app, everything works well when building in debug mode, but when I push it into production I get a "Object re

Blazor 3.1 nested onmouseover events

I have an issue with nested divs both having onmouseover/onmouseout event. I have a nav menu which pops open from the side of the screen triggered by an onmouse

StateHasChanged for specific component instead rerender all components in a page

I am using multiple components is my application each are rendered in conditional manner. Is there any possibilities to re-render a specific component alone? My

PayPal Checkout popup randomly closes

We are having an issue in a Blazor WebAssembly app, which is using PayPal buttons for users to Add Funds to the system's wallet. The issue is random, sometimes

How can I use/inject a service in a "normal" c# class like in Blazor @inject ClassName classObject

I have a Blazor Project, in the Program.cs(formaly aka Startup.cs) I added a service builder.Services.AddSingleton<Models.UserVisit>();

How do you create a Blazor WebAssembly website connected to a database with CRUD functions

I am trying to get deeper into blazor. I want to build a website that can use CRUD functions connected to a database. I use Microsoft SQL Server along with Micr

Blazor WebAssembly debug Program.cs

I've tried debugging in both vs code and 2019 and in both cases debugging everything bug Program.cs works. I'm trying to figure out why configuration isn

Blazor Animation - set div to display: none after animation ends

Recently I have implemented some animations but I am having some problems when the animation ends. I have a div structure for responsiveness, that shows a menu

How can I navigate from Blazor Page to Xaml page in .net Maui Blazor hybrid?

as the title says . if I have a .razor page and a xaml page and I want to navigate from razor to xaml and vice versa.

Blazor WASM doesn't hit breakpoint

I have a Blazor WASM Project with version 5 assemblies and tried to activate debugging according to this article:

Blazor WASM doesn't hit breakpoint

I have a Blazor WASM Project with version 5 assemblies and tried to activate debugging according to this article:

Blazor Cannot provide a value for property 'ScopeFactory' on type 'MyComponent' because the property has no setter

I'm writing Blazor WASM app in .NET 6. The app works as it should in Debug when running from Visual Studio 2022, but when I deploy it as a static site using dot

GRPC-Web + Blazor CORS Issue

I'm trying to create a Blazor WASM application that will call a GRPC gateway using grpc-web. The description of the Gateway Service is: syntax = "proto3"; impor

Blazor Server App MVVM-Pattern: Get notifyed in parent from child component change of App-State via a serviceclass in Startup.cs

I work on a Blazor-Server-App and try to follow MVVM pattern. My problem is, that I don't understand why a parentpage is not 'auto refreshed' after a property i

Blazor wait for ef core to finish request

So right now I get a Error: System.InvalidOperationException: A second operation was started on this context before a previous operation completed. Because bla