Category "botframework"

Microsoft Teams Bot Adaptive card not rendering in mobile app (android)

Microsoft Teams Bot - Adaptive card not displaying in android mobile app, it works fine in desktop app, json as below, also other card for list of records works

Enable/Disable Conversational bot in MS Teams

How to enable and disable the conversational bot in MS Teams? In our application, we have to enable the conversation bot in bot chat window: I tried "isNotifi

Botframework v4 same state for all users C#

I'm trying to migrate my botframework APP v3 to v4, I followed the instruction from microsoft documentation and everything works fine except state control, in m

Is there any way to align the table contents in the same line in the teams bot framework?

The below image shows how the current table is displayed on teams. We can see that the cells are not aligned properly. Using adaptive card (columnset). The imag

How to get last message send by bot to user in Microsoft bot framework? Or is it possible to update user state via connector API?

How to get last message send by bot to user in Microsoft bot framework, if bot send message to user via connector API? Or is it possible to update user state vi

Add different icons for teams custom apps outline?

I have a problem, I want to add different icons when my app is selected and when my app is not selected in teams, something similar to what we have for the defa

Microsoft botframework chatbot integration with Dynamic 365 customer service omnichannel

I am trying to integrate chatbot with D365 customer service omnichannel for agent handoff. I have followed all the steps as per Microsoft documentation. still

MS Teams static tab with content bot id shows error in personal chat scope

I am building a static tab for MS Teams with contentBotId specified.The staticTabs manifest entry looks as following: "staticTabs": [ { "entityId":

Microsoft Teams channel webhook URL format validation - any consistent pattern/documentation?

I'm building an app that allows the user to input a Teams channel webhook connector URL for notifications. I want to be able to do some basic validation on the

Add image with sign in button in bot MS Teams

i am using OAuthPromptSettings to display a simple button. but now i want to display an image above and then display the "Sign in " button on MS Teams. I have a

Send the message to personal chat instead of group chat using ms teams chatbot

I would like to post a message to personal chat instead of group chat while message post from group chat how to achieve this ?. Is there is any methods availabl

BotFramework-WebChat - Adaptive Card

Is there a way to add Onchange event to the adaptive card input field that is rendered in webchat (version V4). Example changing a quantity value (Adaptive card

Webex Bot framework how to show user selected button text

I'm using MS Teams bot and Webex teams bot, I have some Adaptive-Card buttons on my bot message and I want to know which Adaptive Card button is pressed, by wrt

BotDisabledByAdmin error from Microsoft Bot Framework

Our customers upload our app as a custom Microsoft Teams app that has a bot and install it into a Team. From then on, we send notifications to users directly on

How to display data in Table format in microsoft bot framework

Can some one please help me out in displaying the data table format in BOT as below

How to receive attachments from users

How do I receive an attachment from a user? I've tried iterating through the Attachment object to extract the content of attachments, but it's always null: fore

Microsoft Bot Framework Removing "Edited" annotation on message when updating bot message

I have built a MS Teams chatbot along with middleware that successfully proactively updates messages through a REST controller (I pass the conversation ID and a

Cross-platform Text formatting and UI design of messages in Microsoft Bot framework v4

I'm creating pretty complex messages using ms chatbot v4. The cards/messages will need to have text formatting (bold, italic, line breaks, lists, etc), audio, p

Bot framework Webchat Postback buttons show the text on the chat after I click them

Webchat version: 4.15.1 using CDN, Description: I am using HeroCards with postback buttons but they show the text in the value after I click them, It also happe

Unable to create a new conversation in a channel

I'm attempting to create a new thread in a Teams Channel a bot has been added to after a specific Dialog step. I have attempted to follow the following sample: