Category "bytearray"

Crypto.js decrypt with key and iv (vector) in byte arrays

I have to decrypt some strings which are AES encrypted. Example encrypted string: 129212143036071008133136215105140171136216244116 I have a key, and a vector

convert string to hex in lua?

I am going to send a byte array through socket.But I used to work in c/c++ and be new to lua. Now i have a problem,here is my question. i want to send a bytear

Compress string with GZip using qCompress?

I have a string of hex data (0a000a0165787a... etc) that I write to a file like this: void Output(QString FilePath, QString Output) { QFile file(FilePath);

Filter (search and replace) array of bytes in an InputStream

I have an InputStream which takes the html file as input parameter. I have to get the bytes from the input stream . I have a string: "XYZ". I'd like to convert

Difference result by using sign and verify for signature

I tried to use private key to sign the message digest to generate the signature, and then use public key to verify the signature to get message digest. I want t