Category "constraints"

Choco-Solver: Is there a way to know how many times a constraint is broken during the solving process?

My models is inefficient and taking too long to find valid solutions so I think knowing how many times the constraints are being broken would be useful for test

Programmatically Change multiplier of Alignment Constraint of Center X / Y

How can I programmatically change the multiplier in the simplest way? For Swift 2.0

Does the Choco-Solver Java library support Parallel Programming?

My constraint problem has become too complex, and I'm looking to know if the Choco-Solver framework which I'm using to model and solve the problem supports a pa

auto layout modify multiplier of constraint programmatically

How can I modify the multiplier of a constraint programmatically? I have set the following: [self.view addConstraint:[NSLayoutConstraint constraintWithItem:_bu

Multi-commodity Flow

I have just been working on chapters of questions from the DPV textbook for my exam preparation. For one of them, I'm having some trouble but I have made some p

iOS 11 scrolling infinite when keyboard pops up

As im working on with the login screen on iOS native app, app worked exactly fine till ios 10. on iOS 11 onwards the topLayoutGuide and bottomLayoutGuide, i hav

Two foreign keys reference one table - ON UPDATE SET NULL doesn't work

I've got two foreign keys in a table. Let's assume that table is called News and has foreign keys updatedById and createdById, both of which point to userId in

Setting Autolayout Constraints on UIButton in Swift

I'm still trying to get my head around Swift Autolayouts here in XCode 6.3. I have set up a View Controller that I stuck a couple of labels on in Interface Buil

How can I manage this view when constraints aren't available to me in swiftui?

I am very new to SwiftUI, and have actually been getting the hang of arranging my views using the Z, V and HStacks. But the lack of a centre anchor is proving d