Category "core-graphics"

Getting pixel format from CGImage

I understand bitmap layout and pixel format subject pretty well, but getting an issue when working with png / jpeg images loaded through NSImage – I can't

Constrain mouse movement to region in OS X without jitter

I would like to constrain mouse movement to a specific rectangular region of the screen in OS X 10.11. I modified some code from MouseTools (below) to do this b

Detecting transparency in an image

I need to determine whether a png image contains any transparency - what would be the most efficient code to achieve this?

How to zoom the screen programmatically with private coregraphic methods (how to find function arguments)

as you may know Mac OS X has a pretty nice screen zooming functionality built in, which can be enabled in System Preferences => Universal Access. Now I'm tr

CGEventPost fails to deliver keyboard events to another process under Catalina (Mac OSX 10.15)

We have a little QA helper program (called keysim) using CGEventCreateKeyboardEvent and CGEventPost to feed functions keys to the application under test. This d