Category "css"

How Can I make onclick event on a li with pseudo-element ::before

I have created a Timeline using and elements. The result looks like that: I need to click on the second circle and automatically the line that is between f

How to change color of a select on keypress

I am trying to create a form. I am using a <datalist> tag as well as an <input> tag, so that a user can also type an option or just select an option

how to make event title appear in multiple lines full calendar version 5 (resource timeline view)

this is my initial view of calendar initialView: 'resourceTimelineFiveDays', Here is my code . I have added white space to be normal, even then its not workin

Image modals on multi-tab page

I want to create a multi-tabs page with an image modal on each tab. I used code from The modal only shows on the first page but not in the others.

How to align right in BootStrap 5.0 for the components?

I am actually trying to do this online course and in that the instructor uses Bootstrap 4, but I decided I could do BootStrap 5.1. I am trying to make my naviga

Using CSS hover property in Angular directive?

Here is the directive, the default one. import { Directive, Input, Renderer2, ElementRef } from '@angular/core'; @Directive({ selector: '[newBox]' }) export

Override PrimeNG component CSS

I am using PrimeNG OverlayPanel to be displayed in dropdown click but I have a problem to move default left arrow to right position. I tried everything that was

Bootstrap 4 - Make a Table Header Sticky

I have a simple Bootstrap 4 Table and would now like to make the header fixed/sticky so that it doesn't scroll as it contains a lot of rows. I've found several

Chrome's subpixel rendering affecting fixed/absolute positioned elements

I have a electron based application that provides a CAD like experience for mining engineers. This software includes a crosshair cursor: wide cursor that is st

How to make a marquee animation which never leave the view blank ? With images

I am trying to make a marquee animation, but i can't manage to make it perfect. As you can see when a logo goes out of the page it do not get back from the othe

elements over video in native full screen mode - SAFARI

This bug is appearing only in Safari on Mac OS and only with the current set up in our application. Initially I though it was a z-index issue, since some elemen

can't get image and text to align with CSS/flexbox under the navbar

I've been trying to align text to the right of an image but no matter what I do -- when the text line gets to be too long -- it keeps showing up right underneat

Sass is having hard time parsing a CSS RGB syntax

Just plugged in gulp-sass into an existing project, and I'm getting an error when I try to write an RGB syntax as follows: rgb(70 168 255 / 0.05) The log: [17

How do I pass the dynamic output of a php variable or php function to a CSS variable?

The WordPress plugin PolyLang provides translations to a chosen language. Its functionality of "Strings translations" consists of a list of strings with custom

How to create color shades using CSS variables similar to darken() of Sass?

I'm looking a way of modifying a CSS variable as you would in SCSS Define a color like primary - and automatically I would get shades for focus and actives sta

Chrome extension Tailwind CSS interferes with websites I visit

I am building a chrome extension. I am using React, Typescript, TailwindCSS, custom Webpack config. I've overwritten default action in manifest.json so clicking

CSS won't load in hbs file for some reason

so I have a very basic file structure going but for whatever reason I cannot get the css to show up in the project when I run it on the localhost. everything el

why is live-server injecting these javascript codes

I'm trying to create grid layout but live-server is injecting these codes in webpage... // <![CDATA[ <-- For SVG support if ('WebSocket' in window) { (

Is possible to hide scrollbar on mobile for webpage?

I'm trying hide scrollbar on mobile. Everything looks well on desktop (no srollbar), but when I check on some android device (ipad) - I can still see grey, thin

UI changes not persisting in ASP.Net application

I have a table that's hidden by default. When clicking the search button, I'm using jQuery to remove the d-none class and show the table. <input type="submi