Category "devise"

Login with devise-jwt authentication?

I cannot figure out how to send a post request to login on devise with devise-jwt I use devise as web authentication, but want to add an endpoint for api authen

Devise Invitable: Return a list of invitation tokens

I'm trying to add a button to my page that exports a list of the invited users with Devise Invitable. I want to include the invitation_tokens in that list. User

Rails server stopped running after omniauth update (breaks devise)

I followed the pull request from the branch to the master (devise) but I'm still having the error and I can't deploy the api to the server anymore I also tried

Devise forgot password renders wrong template

Rails 6, Devise 4.7.3 I have a forgotten password template in my views as users/passwords/new.html.erb that renders fine, collects an email, and sends that ba

Creating and migrating a devise-driven User model in a main/replica context

The following main/replica database structure development: primary: <<: *default database: users_development username: deploy_root passw

How to correctly use Devise + Confirmable + fixtures

I'm using Devise + Confirmable for user authentication and Minitest + Capybara + fixtures for testing. I can make working logged in tests for users as long as I

Rails: make authentication to swagger API via devise or other

My goal is log in to Swagger API to get access to endpoints. With auth token in future. I tryed to put Devise line in ApplicationController: before_action :au

how to change setmode(board) t setmode(bcm)

import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import time GPIO.setwarnings(False) GPIO.setmode(GPIO.Board) ControlPin = [16,18,22,29] for pin in ControlPin: GPIO.setup(pin, GP

How to add roles to rails app from console? Cancan, Devise

I can create user already, but how add roles dynamically? from console or with admin rules? Devise, CanCan. I am new at Rails, but if you will propose me some i

SMS verification after devise login, how?

I am using devise for user authentication, how i can request from user, after clicking on sign in button, to enter sms code which is automaticaly sent to his mo