Category "docker-compose"

How can I run docker image in Azure app service with privileged option?

I'm trying to deploy docker image in Azure web app with privileged option. But I don't know how to customize docker run command in Azure web apps.

How to make docker-compose work on M1 chip?

I'm new to m1 macbook and face an issue with running my docker-compose which looks like this: version: "3.7" services: search: platform: linux/x86_64

Docker pulling unauthorized - Docker and Github actions

my deploy script is as follows: - name: Log in to GitHub Packages run: echo ${PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN} | docker login -u ${{ secrets.NAMESPACE }} --

error: failed to solve: failed to fetch oauth token: Post "": dial tcp: i/o timeout

I'm trying to build a docker image for my java file on my M1 max MacBook, my dockerfile: FROM openjdk:8-alpine COPY . /src/java WORKDIR /src/java RUN ["javac","

hashicorp Vault : " Error initializing listener of type tcp: error loading TLS cert " Where is my mistake?

I try to run Vault with docker-compose on Virtual machine ubuntu 20.04 ( ip : ). Without the https, already works fine, but when I try to put vault

Can I avoid restarting services on docker-compose up when the service version changes but not the underlying hash?

Is there a way to avoid restarting a service on a docker-compose up when the image version declared in the service definition has changed but the underlying has

How to force-recreate and start only one container under docker-compose?

After I make any code change, my typical development steps are: Change code and build the jar file Build docker image that consumes the jar file Kill current "d

Cannot connect to RabbitMQ Celery

I am using Celery,RabbitMq,FastAPI,docker to develop a application.This is my docker-compose-yml. services: rabbitmq: container_name: rabbitmq

Calling Service A from B is giving connecton refused using ECS CLI with docker compose. What might be the reason?

I have setup an ECS Cluster and I'm using ECS CLI to create services/tasks from my existing docker-compose file. This is how my compose file looks like: version

Docker - library initialization failed - unable to allocate file descriptor table - out of memory

I have been try to run Zookeeper and Kafka on Docker container. I got a lot of errors [error occurred during error reporting , id 0xb] and [Too many errors, abo

Faster Dockerfile build using ramdisk

We run a build process that compiles multiple artifacts from a large codebase. On a decent spec i7 with SSDs this takes ~20 minutes, however when I shift to usi

How to Access Postgres Service from Child Docker Container in Gitlab-CI? How do I access IP address of postgres service or gitlab shared runner?

I have setup a gitlab-ci build with the architecture illustrated below. (source: . The listener container is unable to communicate with the postgres

Share volume in docker swarm for many nodes

I'm facing a big challenge. Trying run my app on 2 VPS in docker swarm. Containers that use volumes should use shared volume between nodes. My solution is: Use

Laravel/docker-compose/redis - Class 'Redis' not found

This project was set up by another team and I'm unable to get passed this one error. Using PHP 7.2 and Laravel 6.2. My docker-compose.yml: redis: image: re

How to do "docker load" for multiple tar files

I have list of .tar docker image files , I have tried loading docker images using below commands docker load -i *.tar docker load -i alldockerimages.tar where

Make docker-compose ignore folder within volume

I'm using docker-compose for a Rails setup. To sync the files, I've mounted the directory like (some of the code is omitted): app: build: . command: ra

Django shell_plus: How to access Jupyter notebook in Docker Container

I am trying to access a Jupyter Notebook created with the shell_plus command from django-extensions in a Docker container. docker-compose -f local.yml run --rm

link dir in docker to dir on host system

I would like to know how I can - essentailly - mount a docker dir so I can see the files in my file manager and all changes that I make are then present in the

Problem running DAPR with docker-compose in ASP .NET core 3.1

I'm trying to run multiple microservices with docker-compose relying on DAPR to establish communication between them. However, even though developer shell logs

docker-compose Equivalent to Docker Build --secret Argument

We have used the technique detailed here to expose host environment variables to Docker build in a secured fashion. # syntax=docker/dockerfile:1.2 FROM golang:1