Category "gurobi"

Why Gurobi generates slack variables?

I have the following LP: max -x4-x5-x6-x7 s.t x0+x1+x4=1 x2+x3+x5=1 x0+x2+x6=1 x1+x3+x7=1 Gurobi gives me the following base B=[1,0,2,10], in my mo

is it possible to multiply two Gurobi linear expressions?

I want to perform the following operation in Gurobi for Java: Create the summatory terms is easy through GRBLinExpr but I donwt know hot to multiply those two

Add a max-constraint to a gurobi minimize in Java

i am trying to implement a maximize constraint to a gurobi minimize problem in java. I am having a MIP with nodes an armlenghts of geometrical objects which i a

How to set Gurobi parameter in Pulp

I am using Pulp with Python to specify an LP problem. I want to solve this using Gurobi. The following does work: prob.solve(pulp.GUROBI_CMD()) However, now