Category "ios"

ITMS-90683: Missing Purpose String in Info.plist NSCameraUsageDescription

I upload my app in app store successfully. App store send me an email like this: App Store Connect Dear Developer, We identified one or more issu

Diffable Data Source with a custom collection view layout?

Here I have created a sample app that uses diffable data source for a collection view with a custom collection view layout. The specific layout I am using is fr

App Icon Only Changes After Device Reboot

I am implementing custom app icons for my iOS app, and everything works in the simulator. But when I try on device I get errrors: +[LSApplicationProxy applicati

Xcode Canvas for SwiftUI previews does not show up

I´m trying to get the new Canvas feature from Xcode 11 running, but the Canvas won´t show up. What am I doing wrong? This new Xcode feature should s

iOS 14 UIPickerView color of the selected row

in iOS 14 the UIPickerView has default a grey background on the selected Row, I can't find a way to change it

iOS: How to listen hotspot turn on, turn off notification events

I am working on an application where I need to observe the hotspot events e.g. there must be a callback when the mobile hotspot turn on also when turn off. I ha

How to use UIApplicationDelegateAdaptor as ObservableObject?

In my iOS 14 App, I can register the legacy AppDelegate by doing this: @main struct MyApp: App { #if os(iOS) @UIApplicationDelegateAdaptor(AppDeleg

How To create a folder inside a Album in iOS iPhone Using Xamarin form

Hello Developer I want to create a a directory inside a Album in iOS using Xamarin form ,I need to use this directory to store all my capture images

Crashlytics: What does compiler-generated means?

I'm using Firebase Crashlytics to get crash reports from my iOS app and I get some crashes that I don't understand with a <compiler-generated> error messa

SnapSDK integration not working properly, Snapshot shows error: Something went wrong. Please try again later

I followed all the steps from documentation and integrated SnapSDK in my iOS app but when I click the share button in my app it directs me to the snapchat but e

Preview not changing device to iPhone SE when using SwiftUI

I am new to SwiftUI and I was trying to change my preview device to iPhone SE but the device does not change. When I update the text "Hello, world!" to somethin

How to hide suggested email id from keyboard in swift

I want to hide email suggestion which is displaying while i choose email textField in my application. I have tried different options like below but none of them

Can I load both obj and materials as an MDLAsset?

I have a directory containing an obj, mtl, and the textures. If I do let asset = MDLAsset(url: url) then it loads the mesh, but no textures. Now, if I go rename

Module 'path_provider' not found

I have used several times the Xcode simulator for my flutter app. One time I tried to change the simulator to iPhone 11 Pro (don't know if it did or did not cau

Keyboard's globe button (🌐) was disappeared, iOS 15

when updated to iOS 15 , my app got this issue. Keyboard's globe button (🌐 at left bottom corner) was disappeared, but we could click it. Does anyone ha

How to add gradient color to UIView using Custom Class and UIAppearnace() in swift

Hello Everyone I want to add Gradient Background Color to UIView using UIAppearnce() with CustomView Class.I am facing an error - Thread 1: " Illegal axis type,

Standalone PWA shows ◀Untitled instead of actual PWA name?

On iPhone running iOS 15.4.1, there seems to be an issue, where the back button to our PWA shows “◀Untitled” and not the actual PWA’s na

my app crash in uikit ,only happen on IPhone X and above exception name NSInternalInconsistencyException

Failed to load bounding path bitmap data from the asset manager for asset name: BoundingPathBitmap-1125x2436-375x812-3.00x The crash happen on the viewcontroll

How to implement a Drop Down list in Flutter?

I am trying to load data from my REST API and load them to the dropdown lists. Below is the code where my dropdown list and data loading from outside is impleme

How to add test data to PreviewProvider

I am new to iOS/Swift and to the MVVM architecture and was wondering how to send in test data to the SwiftUI Preview. (Actual data is received from the ViewMode