Category "java-io"

How to append 4 bytes(long) header to the file to read the data based on the header position

I want to append 4 bytes long header to a file .So that whenever I write the nextbytes after reopening the file .I can use this 4 bytes header to identify where

Read a set of lines from a file using BufferedReader

I have one large CSV file of around 1.6 GB and I am trying to read that file and create JSON array of these lines and send it to other consumables processes. I

The FileReader cannot find my text file

I have a simple text file and for some reason, it cannot be found. I don't see anything wrong with the code because I got it from a site, and I am starting to t

How can I write to stdout using FlatFileItemWriter in spring batch?

I have the following writer configured in my beans definition file of a spring batch project : <bean id="writer" class="org.springframework.batch.item.file.