Category "material-design"

How to reduce material.switchmaterial.SwitchMaterial end margin in android?

I've used "" in that left margin having some space. How to reduce that? I've need align straight of the

How i can set Half Expanded state for my BottomSheet

I have layout with bottom sheet. <androidx.coordinatorlayout.widget.CoordinatorLayout xmlns:android="" xmlns:

Flutter Execute Method so long the button pressed

I want to execute a method while a user is pressing down on a button. In pseudocode: while (button.isPressed) { executeCallback(); } In other words, the exec

Change the TextInputLayout outline color

I'm trying to customize a TextInputLayout with material style. I managed to set the focused state to the colors I want: Using <

Material Design 3: How to make Toolbars the same color as primary surface?

I'd like my Android app to have toolbars the same color as the primary surface (and the status bar -- which is already the primary surface color out of the box

Where can I get codes of material icons?

I think there was a change in - there are no codes for the icons, just 'name version' for example: <i class="material-icons"> cam

Angular mat-form-field how to set width:100%

I create a registration form as part of my learning Angular and Nodejs. My form looks wide and it is ok, however the fields on this form looks narrow or thin. I

Why is my smallIcon for Notifications always greyed out?

I tried making the small icon exactly 16x16, gray-scaled, nothing but gray and white (the gray color being hex value 616161), to create a silhouette of my appli

Datatable column width issue after "refresh" row data

I'm currently using datatable to produce table below: I'm happy with the result as the width of each column is calculated automatically, resulting 1 line per

how to change the asterisk color in required * field

I have two required fields in my form .I want the asterisk color should be red.Currently it is showing black .I am using material UI react library ? here is my

Circular Progress Indicator inside Buttons, Android Material design

I have just read that buttons (MaterialButton) (progress indicator material design) in Material Design, are able to hold a circular progress Indicator, as you

Change borderBottomColor of MUI TextField when input is filled

I'm creating a form using MUI, by default TextField bottom border is grey, blue on focus then again grey on focus loss. I aiming to make it not lose blue color

Display badge on top of bottom navigation bar's icon

I have implemented the bottom navigation view in my app and I have looked every where to display badges on top of the icons like this I was wondering whether th

How to inflate custom layout in Material tooltip of a Material slider in Android?

I was trying to achieve something similar to the below image by manipulating the Material tooltip inside the Material slider. I was able to achieve something s

How do i configure makeStyles hook in material-ui with a custom jss insertion point?

I have a react component which i have wrapped & released as a web component. However all style-sheets created using makeStyles hook are not getting applied

MUI: The `styles` argument provided is invalid after upgrading from material v4 to v5

I recently upgraded from Material V4 to V5 and I'm now getting the following error: MUI: The `styles` argument provided is invalid. You are providing a function

Change the mat-autocomplete width?

It seems like the <mat-autocomplete> width is always the width of the input we're typing in. Is there no way to make it larger? I have a very small input

How to stop <mat-expansion-panel> from triggering with spacebar?

I have a mat-accordion with a textarea box in the panel-description. When I am tying in the text area and hit spacebar it opens/closes the panel. How can I stop

Flutter Icons 3 dots

Does the material library of Flutter have the 3 dots icons Icon(Icons.three_dots_overflow),

Is it possible to make an md-button smaller?

I want my buttons showing left- and right arrow and NOW text to be as small as possible. How do I do that? <div ng-controller="DateCtrl" layout="row" flex&g