Category "pagination"

Firestore Paging Adapter- How to know if query returns 0 results

I'm using firestore paging adapter to populate my RecyclerView with data from Firestore, if collection in Firestore is empty I would like to show a TextView to

Customizing mat paginator

I am trying to build a list page which has large number of data items so I used mat-paginator for simplicity in reading. I tried to customize styles in mat-pagi

Customizing mat paginator

I am trying to build a list page which has large number of data items so I used mat-paginator for simplicity in reading. I tried to customize styles in mat-pagi

Recycler chat Pagination add new message at top

I am working on a chat app where I need to show reverse pagination and show the user's previous chat when the user scrolls up. I am first loading data from SQL

Pagination and filtering in TypeScript and TypeORM

How can i create an function to pagination and filtering with typeorm? I use queryBuilder() but i don't how to create an function to divide the results into pag

Split long articles into pagination based on Number of lines

I have long articles. Articles are coming from the database. For the easy to read I split the article into pagination. For Pagination I Used Virtual Pagination

Loopback4 filter inside the scope return list still

I'm using lb4 I have some problems here, I try to find the list with where conditions inside the scope with pagination. const teacherWithStudents = await this.

How to implement List/Array pagination with a pivot (different starting points) and that is circular in Python?

I'm not sure how to start this question and also what does it mean that it is circular?

How to add pagination in angular material table that bind to API response

I'm new to angular. In my project shown list of products and its work correctly. My HTML code is below : <table mat-table [dataSource]="list_product" style="

Timber: Single post pagination does not work (wp_link_pages)

I am fairly new to Timber and I am trying to get the pagination for a single post item working. Since there are a lot of topics around the pagination for archiv

Angular MatPaginator doesn`t get initialized

I have 2 components. Both have mat-table and paginators and pagination is working for one component and not working for the other component though the code is s

Laravel Pagination links() not working

After doing this in my controller $activities = Package::where('attraction',1) ->where('hotel', 0) ->where('flight', 0)

how to add elements to Listview.builder without rebuilding all the previous items

i use Listview.builder with a List of items in flutter , when the user scroll down i listen the the scroll controller than i get more data from firebase Firesto

Combine Pagination of Two Different Entities With different size

I'm working on a problem where i have to do pagination of two data lists. ex. psudo code int recordsPerPage = 100; // this is dynamic int currentPage = 1; // th

How to implement Pagination with Ktor and Kmongo

Problem: To Implement Pagination on the server side using Ktor and Kmongo. Tech Stacks: Kotlin as Programming Language. Ktor as Web Framework. MongoDb as databa

How to implement pagination in React

I am new to ReactJS and am creating a simple TODO application in it. Actually, it is a very basic app with no DB connection, tasks are stored in an array. I add

Angular Client Side Pagination

I am pulling an array of data from database and displaying it with a simple table.What i am trying to do is adding a pagination feature to this table.For exampl

Adding next and prev buttons using react.js

I succeded to paginate my posts but couldn't add next and prev buttons and make them dynamically using this code snippet: import React from 'react' const Pagi

Why does Django raise "KeyError"?

I am currently trying to implement pagination to my Django web app. However, when I try to use template tags from the library, Django raises a key error. To be

How to make infinite scroll on Next.js static page?

I'm making portfolio using Next.js and count of projects on page is big enough. I want to start loading images when they get into the current viewport. Such sce