Category "pyproject.toml"

Ignoring Django Migrations in pyproject.toml file for Black formatter

I just got Black and Pre-Commit set up for my Django repository. I used the default config for Black from the tutorial I followed and it's been working great,

Using poetry and pip to install dependencies with private repositories

Ahoi! We are a small team and currently using poetry for developing our python packages. Since we do have a private artifactory we have the following pyproject.

Pyproject dependencies vs build-system requires?

Just started looking at using pyproject.toml for a repository of mine, but can't discern the different between the dependencies key and the build-system require

What is pyproject.toml file for?

Background I was about to try Python package downloaded from GitHub, and realized that it did not have a, so I could not install it with pip install -e

Does Poetry have an equivalent for the flag "--trusted-host" that is available on Pip?

I wish to start using poetry on some projects at work, where I am stuck behind corporate filters that sometimes interfere with certs. If I use pip, I can ignore