Category "python-decorators"

Create a decorator that will check if the function will run successfully or throws error?

I have to create a decorator for a event in django and store all args, kwargs, status, etc in django model. So far I am able to store args, kwargs and traceback

How to decorate all the comparison methods inheriting from tuple

Problem Version is being expressed as string and compared at lot of places. But then "5.10" is less than "5.2" due to ASCII comparison Solution Change it to tu

Python functools lru_cache with instance methods: release object

How can I use functools.lru_cache inside classes without leaking memory? In the following minimal example the foo instance won't be released although going out

Why TypeError: 'str' object is not callable error has occurred in my code

I am new to learning python, I know this kind questions asked before but i am not able to find any solutions for it. Please check my code and correct me about d

Python: Do we really need wrappers for decorators? (Revisited)

A similar question has been asked, but the OP compares the wrapper to a function without return, thus the answers focus on that "fault". I understood decorators