Category "pytube"

Python library to dl youtube videos with highest resolution in colab

I want to be download videos in 1080p/720p etc fast in google colab. so I found the pytube but apparently it doesn't support 1080p vids. from pytube import YouT

pytube urllib.error.HTTPError: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden

I get an error when i try to download a video from youtube with pytube. from pytube import YouTube yt = YouTube(''

Cant donwload Video with pytube(HTTP Error 403:Forbidden)

I am trying to download a YouTube video with the module pytube, but when i use the method to download a video, it tells me: urllib.error.HTTPError: HTTP Error

Fitting Python Progress Bar into all command prompt window sizes

How to make the progress bar size same on same line at all command prompt window sizes without splitting into half or even multiple times when adjusting the cmd

pytube.exceptions.RegexMatchError: get_throttling_function_name: could not find match for multiple

I used to download songs the following way: from pytube import YouTube video = YouTube('') video.streams.get_by_itag(

How to make a music bot join the voice call

So i have been seeing many youtube vids and got a working code but I cannot find the error in my code import discord from discord import Embed from itertools im