Category "pywinauto"

Pywinauto can't to move a File Explorer and change this window

everyone I'm trying to move a File Explorer and change this window file_explorer = r'C:\Windows\explorer.exe' os.startfile(file_explorer) app = Application(bac

How to select a sub menu from a context menu?

I am trying to click on a sub menu(BTDecoder) item from a context menu(send to) using pywinauto. I could click on the menu item from context list and click on

pywinauto send key down to application

I want to send key down events to game applications using pywinauto. I get the application like this: from pywinauto.application import Application app = Appli

Pywinauto timings waiting 0.5 seconds instead of immediate

I have the following Pywinauto code and timings waiting is 0.5 seconds instead of immediate. How to get itimmediately? To click a button and go to the next mes

Cant dump pywinauto when using rpyc

Trying to use the following code or similar via rpyc and got the following error consistently: ...: import pywinauto ...: from pywinauto import applicat

Cant dump pywinauto when using rpyc

Trying to use the following code or similar via rpyc and got the following error consistently: ...: import pywinauto ...: from pywinauto import applicat

Pywinauto - There are 2 elements that match criteria

this is my first post! I would like to ask you how can i solve this problem. I am trying to automate publish in powerBI. I need to click on correct workspace. R

pywinauto wait for window to appear and send key-press

I'm trying to make a small function that will wait until a certain window appear and then send a key-press (alt+i), i've been trying to do this with pywinauto b

Pywinauto identifier is Empty

When i print the identifiers of the dialog following is the output Qt5QWindowIcon - 'b'widget_fenetre_openglWindow'' (L395, T202, R1046,B602) 'b'Qt5QWindowI