Category "rdbms"

Best practices on primary key, auto-increment, and UUID in RDBMs and SQL databases

We're designing a table for user entity. The only non-trivial requirement is that there should be a permanent URL to the user entity (for example their profile)

Determine if relation is in BCNF form?

How do I determine if the following relation is in BCNF form? R(U,V,W,X,Y,Z) UVW ->X VW -> YU VWY ->Z I understand that for a functional dependency A

Difference between sparse index and dense index

I am very confused to understand the difference between sparse index and dense index. Can you explain the difference between them ?

Mysql PREPARE statement is taking much times at the time of record insertion

I am using PREPARE statement in store procedure but it is taking much time at the time of records insertion. Please suggest me the replacement for PREPARE state