Category "vert.x"

Quarkus upgrade complaining regarding vertx thread in tests

I have recently upgraded quarkus to 2.9.0.CR1 and am now having issues in some of my tests I am using reactive panache in this, through the repository pattern.

vertx-db2-client return error codes when querying data with chinese characters

Like picture above Are there some options to control the encoding? (switch between UTF8 and GBK?) I found a DEFAULT_CHARSET property(the value is utf8) in io.v

Quarkus upgrade vertx dns resolver ignoring kubernetes dns

I have upgraded the version of quarkus to 2.8.0.CR1 My quarkus apps are using a mix of camel, mutiny, resteasy, mongo, pubsub and it seems to have been reproduc

Websocket and cross-domain

Currently, I am developing two webapps : the core, developed in Java with Vert.x, receives data from a lot of other apps and sends it to client) the client,

Any java async tracing framework?

I'd like to trace my async application with some key checkpoint. Is there any popular framework I can use? For example, I may choose to use vert.x or any other