Category "vue.js"

Access this / vm instance from props default (VueJS)

I have a plugin that sets some variables to vue's object prototype. I need to access these variables from a prop's default property. How can I achieve this?

How to trigger graphql useQuery on demand only once?

With the help of graphql-codegenerator we created a graphql useQuery that correctly retrieves data from the backend. When a string is entered into an input fiel

Error: Cannot find module 'webpack/lib/rules/DescriptionDataMatcherRulePlugin' Require stack:

I have webpack-cli installed on my laravel project. I don't know why first of all we need it to run my vue app but this is causing an error: When I run npm run

How to destroy/unmount vue.js 3 components?

I have a fairly large vue.js 2 application that has a dynamic tabs mechanism. Users can interact with the application opening and closing tabs, each tab represe

Setting ChartJS plugin on vue-chartjs not working

I am trying to change the canvas background color of my ChartJS chart to export it as an image but it has a black background. I've tried the workaround from the

import.meta.glob() can only accept string literals

I have a vite vue3 project. In the component I try to get the URL of all images from a folder. It works when I write const images = import.meta.globEager("/src

How to override Kendo grid CSS

I have following grid in vue.js. I wanna to change the grid header background and text color and hide the scrollbar according to these links: https://docs.teler

How to remove vuetify autocomplete component default icon

Vuetify autocomplete by default have custom "up" and "down" arrow icons: How can be changed this icon to search icon in other events (active or inactive) an

How to make ESLint understand that function is used in vue pug template?

I have following vue component. <template lang="pug"> button(@click="onLogout") Logout </template> <script setup lang="ts"> function onLogout

How can I set bootstrap-vue theme colors to css variables?

I'm using bootstrap-vue and would like to be able to override the theme colors dynamically at runtime (after compiling the scss). To do this I'm following this

Props typing in Vue.js 3 with TypeScript

I'm trying to type hint my props in a Vue 3 component, with composition API. So, I'm doing this: <script lang="ts"> import FlashInterface from '@/interfac

How can I wrap a v-switch with a v-tooltip with Vuetify?

I attempted doing this like in the documentation <v-tooltip color="black" bottom > <template v-sl

How to merge components in VueJS

The Laravel framework and the laravel.mix compiler are used. There is one main component "dialog". <template> <transition-group enter-activ

Stuck at progressively migrate my website to Vue.js

I chose Vue.js over React and Angular, because it felt much more easier to migrate my existing website (old technologies, ASP.NET Razor Pages inside Visual Stud

How to call method in setup of vuejs3 app?

In vuejs3 app I retrieve data from db with axios in method, like : <script> import appMixin from '@/appMixin' import app from './../../App.vue' // esl

Issue with JWT token multiple simultaneously refresh with Refresh token

Tools: .NET 6 with EF Core, Vue 3 with Axios. R-Token is Refresh Token. DB is database. I have simple implementation of JWT + Refresh Token auth. Client send Lo

How do i add typescript support to CDN version of vue?

I'm using the cdn version of vue on certain parts of my project. I want typescript support included on these parts of the project that are using vue cdn, but du

Environment variables are getting fetched after build deploy to S3 is Vuejs

I have used Github Actions to build and deploy the Vue app to the S3 bucket. The problem is, the build script cannot fetch ENV from the .env or .env.production

How can I disable dates in Element UI datepicker?

I want to select the departure date then when I go to select the return date I want the function to disable all dates before the departure date in element UI I

VueJS How to access Mounted() variables in Methods

I'm new in Vue and would like assistance on how to access and use variables created in Mounted() in my methods. I have this code Template <select class="cont