Category "web-deployment"

Deploying Reactjs website on github pages with routing results in 404 error on refresh

I've created a ReactJS webpage with multiple routes using BrowserRouter and deployed in via GitHub pages with its own domain. The website works perfectly as int

Firebase hosting deployment error Error: Error: 404, Requested entity was not found

i have hosted a static website on firebase and i am using node.js. when i am trying to deploy my website i am facing this error. C:\Users\Ankur-PC\Desktop>f

Is it possible to deploy a ReactJS website with json-server on Netlify?

I have an application built with ReactJS, but I'm using a fake API (json-server) to handle my data. So, before I run 'npm start' to run the application I have t

ASP.NET Core and Angular Deployment - page refresh gives 404 error

I am working on a project in Angular and ASP.NET Core hosted on Plesk. The project is working fine except the page refresh yields the 404 page not found error.

Migrating Live/production WordPress site to Laragon

I'm trying to set up my Live WordPress site into a local environment, Laragon. I have tried using a plugin call WPvivid, but it does not seem to be working corr

Migrating Live/production WordPress site to Laragon

I'm trying to set up my Live WordPress site into a local environment, Laragon. I have tried using a plugin call WPvivid, but it does not seem to be working corr

How can I change JDK 1.8 to JDK 11 in Heroku?

I created pipelines for bitbucket to deploy app to Heroku. I use java 11 but Heroku installs 1.8. How to fix it? I also created in main/resou

Deploy VUE application on IIS [closed]

I'm trying to deploy a VUE frontend application on IIS. The routing is working fine in dev mode, however, something seems to break in the rout

Deployment options using Amazon Lightsail? [closed]

We're looking to host a number of small projects on Amazon Lightsail. For larger projects we use Codepipeline to manage deployments from githu

Failed at the [email protected] start script

I am currently facing a deployment issue, can anyone help me with it? Repo: Error Msg: npm ERR! Failed at the serve

Why is my env variable undefined when deployed to AWS?

I have a vue app I'm currently working on. I set the environmental variables in a file I named "config.ts" which contain codes similar to the code below: export