Category "java"

How to use ilike and % in createSQLQuery in hibernate java

I have made a sql query now i need to add search from it. it needs to search from userfullname the given keyword query is working in postgresql but it is not wo

Minecraft Forge FMLClientSetupEvent fired on Server?

As stated in the Title I think that an FMLClientSetupEvent is Fired on a Forge-Minecraft dedicated Server. Forge Versions should be the same. All in all, this l

Quarkus upgrade complaining regarding vertx thread in tests

I have recently upgraded quarkus to 2.9.0.CR1 and am now having issues in some of my tests I am using reactive panache in this, through the repository pattern.

error: cannot find symbol: method rotate()

I must write a constructor that takes in a 27-letter sequence and a char that "rotates" the char sequence until the first char in the sequence matches the given

Reading input from 2 files and writing to a third file in ascending order

I have 2 files that each contain a series of ordered numbers, separated by spaces (" "). Write a program that produces a third file that will contain the ascend

How to recursively insert elements into a binary tree and keep it balanced java?

I am doing a project for class and am stuck on trying to develop this method. Would anyone be able to give me an example? The instructions for the method are be

Structured Streaming to Save JSON to HDFS

My Structured Spark Streaming program is to read JSON data from Kafka and write to HDFS in JSON format. I am able to save JSON to HDFS but it saves the JSON st

Duplicate handling strategy error with gradle while using protobuf for java

I am using the below configuration build.gradle plugins { id "" version "0.8.17" id "java" } group "" version "1.

How to read each char sent by Putty at Java server?

After forcing off the "Local line editing" at Putty (Raw mode), all chars typed are sent to the server without the Enter (checked it with Wireshark). I have thi

How to make resource files privatly and locally accessible to the application with app.yaml in GAE?

In appengine-web.xml we have <resource-files> tag to make resources files accessible to the application at runtime but not public, but in the new app.yaml

How can I access and iterate through an ArrayList of Linked list element?

I am trying to write a code of adjacency list implementation of the graph ADT. private ArrayList<LinkedList<Integer>> adjLists ; but I don't know

Problems with SmbFile.createNewFile() behaviour

I wonder what the catch is with createNewFile() in recent versions of jCIFS and ng (SMB2 specifically). The documentation says it should fail on execution if a

How to access cross-field values in QueryDSL QuerydslBinderCustomizer?

How can I access other query parameter values inside QuerydslBinderCustomizer? My goal is to create a departure.between(min, max) binding, that I want to derive

Unknown column sql error while using jooq

Query: ROLE.asterisk(), multiset( select(PERMISSION.asterisk()) .from(ROLE_P

How to make GSON fail on unknown properties

I need GSON mapper to throw an exception if json contains unknown fields. For example if we have POJO like public class MyClass { String name; } and json l

Hibernate PessimisticLockingFailureException Occurring at a particular time everyday

I have a Spring Boot application and hibernate exception comes every day at a particular time at night. The exception is : could not execute statement; SQL [n/a

Common request/response objects between 2 SOAP webservices in Java

In my project we must call 2 contract first SOAP Web Services with identical Request/Response objects. As the web services were contract first, I created classe

How to combine rectangles?

I am working with the Java Swing library. I have two rectangles of the same width and height and the same coordinates. I want to combine them into one so I can

How to replace text for some properties using jolt

I'm using jolt in order to do some transformations, I've been able to do that but I'm having some issues trying to replace some text in some properties of my JS

Could not resolve all files for configuration ':app:androidJdkImage

I am trying to build flutter apk on debug mode from android studio. Flutter run I get this error: Launching lib/main.dart on sdk gphone x86 arm in debug mode...