Category "reactjs"

How to get origin or domain name in Next.js [duplicate]

I can get the relative pathname using useRouter().asPath which gives something like /my-awesome-post but how to get the origin? Similar to wha

Nextauth token keeps on nesting

I updated with v4 beta with next-auth. But the token keeps on nesting on refresh, as in token converts to token.token to token.token.token .... on each refresh

Is it possible to extend the borders of table data <td> to align with content that has been moved via negative margins?

I have a collapsible table, which opens and closes when clicking on Accounting. It requires a unique layout. I have added a checkbox to my collapsible rows, w

create-react-app without removing existing files

i have an existing project folder that contains project assets, some text files, &c. and we're having to use React on this one. when i run create-react-app

How to configure react-app-rewired to add a postcss plugin

How can I customize react-app-rewired config in CRA v5 to add a postcss plugin, for example this one? I checked react-app-rewired documentation and github issue

Some instances of a ReactJS component won't update

I'm developing a VOD app for TV and I'm having an issue with updating an element inside of a slide component. Basically, when a costumer focuses on any of the s

Animate component unmount fade-out in React Native

On a React Native application, given a condition is true I should render ComponentA, else ComponentB should be visible instead. const ParentComponent = () =>

sending props to @react-navigation/drawer component

I am trying to send prop to component inside Drawer.Screen. I am using @react-navigation/drawer. I finally send props to navigation container but I cant send pr

Audio recorded from Chrome doesn't play on Safari

I'm building an app using React Js where it can record audio from users, upload the file or blob to cloud storage, and play the recorded audio from the file URL

How to update value in client site using mongodb?

I am using React in front-end and Node and MongoDB in Back-end. I have created a custom hook from where I am loading the data. The following is the custom hook

Unable to install FluentUI packages for react app

I started learning React and FluentUI 2 hours back. I am trying out various tutorials available over internet but cannot just get through the FluentUI package i

loadable-components: failed to asynchronously load component

I have created module A which is a component library for my React App. Which I plan on using on module B which is my actual React App. I have an index.js whereb

Can't solve No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' in React App(I have only front-end)

Using Rapidapi API and trying to fetch dynamic data from this endpont${number} at the end getting CORS error. UPDATE: I

How to make Next.js "see" the react-dom package?

This is my first ever Next.js project, and I encountered an odd obstacle. Even though I made sure at least 3 times that I have react-dom and react installed and

How to rename iterably object properties

Every Object properties have underscored the first letter; I wanna delete this first substring, and try the string method "replace" to all object properties, bu

UseEffect API Request not displaying on page load

Apologies in advance if similar questions like this have already been answered. I have tried everything, but still cannot figure out why I am experiencing this

CRA unmounts a component and mounts it back on every save

Consider the code snippet below: import { useEffect } from "react"; export const Hello = () => { useEffect(() => { console.log("Mounted"); retu

NextJs router seems very slow compare to React Router

I have a website built in React Js and the same one on Next Js as well. The problem which I am facing right now is, the router seems very slow in the nextJs com

Is there any event listener to check if the wms layer has loaded or not in google maps?

In a react web application, I am overlaying wms tiles on google maps using map's property overlayMapTypes. if (map && activeLayer) { let layer = new

Video can't press play on React

I have a working product that takes a file from API and read as a blob. But pressing the play button on the video does not work. I have tried using tried using