Category "xaml"

Trouble binding ViewModel to View, as part of a ListViewItem DataTemplate with ReactiveUI

I'm having some issues trying to display a view in a ListViewItem Data template in reactive. I have a ListView in, for example ReceiptView.xaml whose source is

How do I access Window Resources in WinUI 3

I've just started working on a WinUi 3 (Desktop) project and have got blocked trying to add Window resources to a Window. I would have thought the following wou

combobox tostring() returns object instead of value

I want to retrieve the string value selected in a combo box and convert into an integer, however the SelectedItem method always returns the name of the object.

WinUI3 - bind ContentControl to CollectionViewSource CurrentItem instead of collection?

When an item is selected in my ListView, I want to display a specific user control in the my ContentControl. Using the following code, my content control merely

Width problem with * (star) in WPF Grid - ColumnDefinition

I have tried ColumnDefinition Width="5*" and also with 3*, 1* to ColumnDefinition which aplied to Grid container and the parent control is ListBox but it does

DataTemplate doesn't work when moved to ResourceDictionary

I was trying to move a DataTemplate from a ListView into a resource dictionary and it somehow broke the Bindings, I believe. I verified that when I hardcode th

In my WPF control, can I hide the validation control based on the size of the adorned element's row?

I have a user control with many sub controls within a grid. Since there are many controls per row, I'm controlling the visibility of the controls by setting the

How to close ComboBox list items when moving application window of my WinRT/C++ UWP application?

I have a pair of ComboBox controls having IsEditable() true as well as false. When I am scrolling through my application or moving my application window (by cli

Xamarin TabbedPage Specified Cast is not valid

I have a TabBar in my AppShell which has five tabs. Three of these tabs are ContentPages whereas the other two are TabbedPages. All three tabs with ContentPages

Make RichTextBox automatically scroll to bottom when content is added

I have a WPF UserControl with a BindableRichTextBox: xmlns:controls="clr-namespace:SysadminsLV.WPF.OfficeTheme.Controls;assembly=Wpf.OfficeTheme" . . . <cont

XAML/MVVM help for implementing screen grid

As a complete beginner to XAML/MVVM I would like to request some help with implementing a 24x14 letter screen. The XAML implementation is quite easy I think wit

XAML UWP - How to use animations in RenderTransform on elements in a ItemsControl (Data Binding)

I want to show a collection of images with entry animations (opacity, translation and rescaling) in a UWP app. How do I apply unique storyboards to each of the

How do I reset the binding from my source (ViewModel) to the target (.xaml)

I have a ProfilePage.xaml containing some ImageButtons like these (six of them): <ImageButton x:Name="resultImage" Source="{Binding Profile.Images[0].Sou

UWP Xbox Live Leaderboards

I am trying to incorporate leaderboards into my UWP game. I am using C# and XAML to create my game. I have created a high score leaderboard and have pushed it w

Xamarin binding sometimes invisible

Inside my Xamarin TicketPage.xaml the binding just shows after a change of the bindingname to notesBlobbed. So i need to change the binding name to notesBlobbed

Passing multiple parameters in c# windows phone app using Frame.Navigate(typeof(Page2))

I am creating a basic MCQ app where 2 MCQ's along with options are showed on a single page and the submit button shows the results on the second page in a textb

How to auto update a Listview - .NET MAUI

I am making an application where there is a history and I want the history to be updated automatically when there is a change in my list. Thank you

UWP is binded checkbox is checked?

So I created a combobox with inside a few binded checkboxes. My xaml looks like this: <ComboBox x:Name="CbSandwichFilling" ItemsSource="{x:Bind SandwichFill

How can I create a Xamarin.Forms cards carousel?

How can I get this carousel of cards in Xamarin Forms? I did it in ASP.Net-MVC C# and I'm using a JS plugin and HTML and CSS. Now I need to do it using Xamarin

Select ListViewItem when child element has focus UWP

I'm writing a Universal Windows App and I have a ListView where the ListViewItems contain a TextBox and a Button. When I click in the text box I would like that