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curl: (3) [globbing] nested brace in column 189 when sending PUT request to Google Sheets API

I am trying to write to a Google Spreadsheet using Google Sheet API v4. The usage about the API is listed here I made a curl request that looks like the follo

Flutter Getx Snackbar not wroking

I have created a flutter app and used getx package. But then I used it to show the snack bar, the function gets executed but the snack bar is not showing up. o

What is the most efficient way to copy many files programmatically?

Once upon a time long ago, we had a bash script that works out a list of files that need to be copied based on some criteria (basically like a filtered version

fastai.text NameError: name 'BaseTokenizer' is not defined

I am a beginner of fastai and trying to build a model referring to Using RoBERTa with for NLP. I was trying to customize the tokenizer (as the code belo

RocksDb: Multiple values per key (c++)

RocksDb: Multiple values per key (c++) what i am trying to do I am trying to adapt my simple blockchain implementation to save the blockchain to the hard drive

Sum of different slices rows and column

I have pandas DataFrame df and three arrays columns_list, lower_boarder and upper_boarder all have the same shape. I want to find array with shape as input arra

How to use ilike and % in createSQLQuery in hibernate java

I have made a sql query now i need to add search from it. it needs to search from userfullname the given keyword query is working in postgresql but it is not wo

Powershell exits on where cmdlet

I'm writing a script that should run two python apps and then cycle through solution files, searching for new and updated files with py and json extensions and

pyvirtualdisplay - downloads are stuck as .part file

I have a python-selenium script running on a debian 11 server without any Desktop - thats why i use pyvirtualdisplay. The script has to login to a website and t

What is a prevRowCountState in mui-data-grid?

Server pagination, I understand the logic but can't figure out how does the grid know the value of prevRowCountState. Is it a undocumented thing, prefix a const

What is the difference between Array.from(Object) and [...Object]? [duplicate]

There are these two ES6-methods of creating an array from an array-like or iterable object: Array.from(): let arr = Array.from(Object); Spre

Task running in Fargate is not found with public IP address

I'm creating a simple Spring API, which has a get call that returns some data. I put this in a docker container and tested the container on my localhost and it

Minecraft Forge FMLClientSetupEvent fired on Server?

As stated in the Title I think that an FMLClientSetupEvent is Fired on a Forge-Minecraft dedicated Server. Forge Versions should be the same. All in all, this l

Moving Pages folder in Next.js application to src folder

In a create-next-app Next.js application, I want to move the pages folder in the root directory to a src folder. I added a jsconfig.json with the code (below),

Getting average score from a text file in python?

I'm looking to have the program read a text file that is formatted like this for example. Kristen 100 Maria 75 Frank 23 Is there anyway in python to skip lines

C# LINQ single query to complete an incomplete model

I have a list of incomplete product models. Everyone is missing an owner and a price. Can these deficiencies be filled with a single query to context? Without t

"Undeclared arguments passed to ViewHelper" Exception

After updating TYPO3, I get a TYPO3Fluid\Fluid\Core\ViewHelper\Exception "Undeclared arguments passed to ViewHelper ... Valid arguments are."

What's the differences with the line, path, and shape classes in KonvaJS?

I'm a big fan of PaperJS, however, the library doesn't see much activity so we're looking at other tools, like KonvaJS, Fabric, and Pixi. We'd like to replicate

Have subprocess.Popen only wait on its child process to return, but not any grandchildren

I have a python script that does this: p = subprocess.Popen(, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=False) theStdin=request.input.encode('

How to execute scala tests programmatically

I'm looking for a way to execute scala tests (implemented in munit, but it could be also ScalaTest) programmatically. I want to perform more or less what sbt te

Applicative in Haskell for single variable

I recently started learning Haskell and encountered a problem with the idea of Applicative. I need to make an implementation for newtype MyTriple a = MyTriple (

Selenium python : my current_url doesnt update after click

Im scraping a website where I need to retrieve values from the url when i click on a button providing different form values. I have a problem: when i click the

Getting a 'CalledProcessError.... returned non-zero exit status 1' on running tabula.read_pdf() function on python 3.6

I have tried all possible options. Please help I am getting the following error while running the read_pdf() of tabula in python. The error is CalledProcessE

Flutter - drawAtlas circular cutout

I'm trying to implement a circular cutout of an image and I am using drawAtlas for it. Here is my implementation so far: canvas.drawAtlas( image!, [ /*

ValueError: There may be at most 1 To headers in a message

I am trying to write a very basic email sending script. Here is my code .. import smtplib from email.message import EmailMessage msg = EmailMessage() msg.set_c

not getting Bitpay notification url at the time of invoice create .. see below code

$invoice->setRedirectURL('https://test/testett/'); // Set URL that Buyer will be redirected to after completing the payment, via GET Request // Set URL that

how can i decrypt proxy granting ticket in phpcas client

the proxy granting ticket, which should start with PGTIOU, is encrypted. it looks like: <cas:proxyGrantingTicket>uRIF21AgCpN4m/BTNHj9bMosdcMUHrsmrDjWgJtGq

Utilizing the Websocket Data from Android cellphone while running

Using SensorServer, I am establishing a connection between an android phone and Python and utilizing the data sent. The accelerometer of the Android device is u

Quarkus upgrade complaining regarding vertx thread in tests

I have recently upgraded quarkus to 2.9.0.CR1 and am now having issues in some of my tests I am using reactive panache in this, through the repository pattern.

Restart terminal without closing on MacOS

How to restart my current MacOS terminal session without closing the window? In Linux I use exec bash but it does not work in this environment. I made a few ch