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Reading of Elasticsearch with pyspark fails with exceptn java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/httpclient/protocol/ProtocolSocketFactory

I have a spark cluster in kubernetes based on image Spark version version 2.4.0 Using Scala version 2.11.12, OpenJDK

How to set start day time to particular time in momentjs

I'm trying to set the start time of the day to a particular time. currently, in momentjs, I can get startOf day like this let now = moment() console.log('now'

Get only max values from table for each ID record [duplicate]

I am having table like this, where id is repeating several times. I need to get only max L1 value for each ID, so correct result from the que

GNU parallel - running command through multiple ssh jumphosts

I need to run commands on multiple hosts accessible via multiple jumphosts. I have a slf file ssh -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa -nJ jumphost1,user@jumphost2 user@worker1

Pandas to_excel( ) output float point is not right

I have some a weird situation trying to get the output in to_excel pandas function. I tried to read a xlsx excel file with the number "21631706.9893399", but wh

Error "File is a commonJS module; it may be converted to an ES6 module. ts(80001)"

Developing javascript in vscode, I see this error on line const Koa = require("Koa");: File is a CommonJS module; it may be converted to an ES6 module. ts(8

How to return a promise with alertcontroller in ionic 4?

I am trying to convert this ionic 3 code into ionic 4 but I don't know how the promise works on ionic 4. I tried looking into the documentations and I can't fin

Is there a way in Fluent Validation library to remove the index from the collection validation errors?

I'm using Fluent Validation to validate this model: class MyModel { public int Id {get; set;} public List<ChildModel> Children {get; set;} } clas

How to fix webpack resolve-url-loader not working?

Resolve-url-loader is not resolving images/fonts in my css files. My folder structure is like this: src public images -banner-bg.jpg

How to expose a class to the global scope with esbuild?

Update user @TKoL suggested defining a property in the window object. This produces the result I wanted to achieve, although I do not know if it is the correct

SQL order of execution

I wonder how this query is executing successfully. As we know 'having' clause execute before the select one then here how alias name used in 'select' statement

Pandas Group by index Hour and keeping observation for each hour

I have a pandas dataframe containing one column and a datetime index, i need to group the data by hour and keep each obsevation (record) for each of the grouped

Stop webpage from auto-reload with selenium/chromedriver

Im using python with the selenium package and the chromedriver to scrape a webpage. The page is automatically reloading itself (probably via java-script) every

How to restart a local hardhat node to initial state?

I am not really sure how to restart the state of the node to the initial state. Each time I try to redeploy a contract - I'm getting the same contract, the cons

Is it possible to change the path where srt file grow? - PROGRESS 4GL

I am getting below error where its actually giving out of disk. This is because of allocated space for srt file generation is not enough. so we decided to chang

how to kill long running aws s3 cli command

i have a long running aws s3 cp command aws s3 cp folder1/ s3://bucket/ --recursive can this command be terminated gracefully can we pass TIMEOUT aws --TIMEOUT

Intel oneapi detect if I'm on FPGA

Is there any way to detect via CMake whether an FPGA accelerator is available or not ? I'd like to do something like if (FPGA_AVAILABLE or FPGA_EMULATOR_ON)

Weird OleDbDataAdapter Fill behavior (hangs with explicit fields) on IBM i System

we're migrating our IBM i System from OS 6.0 to 7.4; we're testing all the applications which somehow connect and read/write data to it and we found a weird beh

disable other buttons using

I have ten expansion panels. on click of one button in one expansion panel I need to disable other buttons in other expansion panel but the problem is when I tr

How to automate the setting of Google as default search engine in Microsoft Edge (Chromium based) via PowerShell?

I would like to automate an operation of setting Google as a default search engine in Microsoft Edge (Chromium based) via PowerShell in non-corporate deployment

Flutter GS-128, CODE-128, EAN-128 barcode reader

Which the best library in Flutter to read UDIGI 2.0 medical device codes ? All libraries I use, like: 'package:flutter_barcode_scanner/flutter_barcode_scanner.d

in odoo14 , i'm sending a notficition to the manager , is there any option to add a button in the notification?

i want to add a button in the notification so the manager can answer with yes or no def Send_notificiton(): for note in self: note.manager_id.user_id.notify_dan

Setting up IActionDescriptorCollectionProvider for a unit test

I am currently writing unit tests for a TagHelper that uses IActionDescriptorCollectionProvider in its constructor. My setupt looks as below so far - any ideas

Using Findstr to find a serial number in a line

I am using devcon to query a verifone device to get the serial number and I a trying to find the serial number below "123-552-666" and output that to a text fil

"Indicated packet length too large" error when using remote interpreter in PyCharm

I am setting up a remote SSH interpreter in PyCharm, but when I try to select the interpreter's location on the remote machine, I get the following error: Indic

Undefined symbol: nominal type descriptor for Swift.UInt8

I am trying to run react native app in a Mac Mini with Apple M1 chipset.The project run well on intel based system but not running on M1. When I build I got fo

ARFaceTrackingConfiguration – Depth map not aligned

I'm working currently of getting depth map from an ARFaceTrackingConfiguration but I have some trouble with this, because it's like the depth map drift a bit fr

How to traverse an inner array in motoko?

I am new to motoko and internet computer, when i am working i am having too much difficulties that look simple, I am having difficulties doing this, posting the

Why console is showing templates not defined error in django

I am new to django , I am facing one while django running server , I have copy and paste my code please tell me what is wrong with my code 'DIRS': [templates],

How do I calculate the global efficiency of graph in igraph (python)?

I am trying to calculate the global efficiency of a graph in igraph but I am not sure if I using the module correctly. I think there is a solution that might ma