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Is it possible to extend the borders of table data <td> to align with content that has been moved via negative margins?

I have a collapsible table, which opens and closes when clicking on Accounting. It requires a unique layout. I have added a checkbox to my collapsible rows, w

How to get rid of the CORS error when sending email with attachments with Gmail API?

I know there are plenty of articles on the topic but none of them helped me solve this issue. I have a website where users can connect their Gmail account and m

MongoEngine raw query not solved

Mongo engine cannot execute a raw query AppDocument.objects(__raw__={ {"_id": ObjectId("1"),"car._id": ObjectId("2")}, {"$pull":

Add one flutter app to another existing flutter app

Is there any way to merge a smaller flutter app to another flutter app? I'm finding ways to merge the flutter app to a native android app, but can we do it to a

How to check if an APK/AAB binary was signed in debug mode?

Let's say I am responsible of a tool to publish APK/AAB to play store and I need to do some pre-checks before doing so. How can my tool check if an APK/AAB bina

How to get indexOf proper className of targeted element? [closed]

I have an target element which is a SVG which has two properties baseVal and aniVal, So I'm trying to get the proper indexOf the className fro

So i am getting the ERROr related to SQL in jmeter

{"statusCode":500,"statusDescription":"Internal server error","status":"FAILED","userId":null,"role":null,"value":null,"errorMessage":"PreparedStatementCallback

Can i avoid this error. E/InputMethodManager: Failed to get fallback IMM with expected .flutter.plugins.webviewflutter.InputAwareWebView

I'm Using the flutter_tex library flutter_tex flutter_tex: ^3.6.7+10 I want to release the app in the play store. My app is running fine. But I'm getting thi

Flutter: Missing Plugin Exception Raised when running release builds of android app

Issue I am currently working on an app which uses multiple packages. The app works like a charm in both debug and profile modes. But when I get the release buil

JavaFX access internal webkit document

I am trying to access javafx.web/com.sun.webkit.dom from my unnamed module javafx project. For this, I have created a class com.sun.webkit.dom.DomMapper. I do n

Which data structure can act like a circular queue?

The picture above has 25 action points such that: Each of the four corners of each of the three layers is an action point. The midsection of each of the four s

create-react-app without removing existing files

i have an existing project folder that contains project assets, some text files, &c. and we're having to use React on this one. when i run create-react-app

Change prices according to quantity and location

I need to change the prices of various articles in WordPress, according to the quantity that is requested, and in the same way that the prices are different dep

Flutter how to create responsive Text widget?

I'm facing a problem with responsive texts. In my app are different text font sizes and I need to do them responsive for different screen sizes (only phones and

Why is Tensorflow not recognizing my GPU after conda install?

I am new to deep learning and I have been trying to install tensorflow-gpu version in my pc in vain for the last 2 days. I avoided installing CUDA and cuDNN dri

SSlconfiguration exception on finagle upgrade

I recently upgraded to finagle-core 22.4.0 from 21.4.0 and see this while loading integration tests in the application. I use wiremock-standalone version 2.27.2

How to fix net::ERR_INVALID_RESPONSE in webView android

after update chrome to last version (75.0.3370.143) my app which use webView is showing error when load data. "Web page not available The web page at data:

Jest: TypeError: replaceAll is not a function

String.prototype.replaceAll() is a useful method and while building and executing everything works fine. However, all Jest-tests fail with the following error:

FastAPI - Dataframe updated change lost between route

I'm trying to make a simple FastAPI api. Let's suppose these routes: The POST Route'/user', name='Get list of users') def get_user(user: User):

Create a Timer Publisher using Swift Combine

I've been watching the Data Flow Through SwiftUI WWDC talk. They have a slide with a sample code where they use a Timer publisher that gets connected to a Swift

how can I make scrollable and responsive screen flutter

I have implemented a login screen using flutter. the screen is fully functional and working properly with validations. I want this screen to be scrollable and

When using Terraform with AWS, how can I set a rate limit on a specific URI path (or regex of a URI path) on an ALB

I am trying to rate limit requests to the forgot password change URL using WAFv2 rules attached to an ALB on Cloudfront. What I think I need to do is.. Create t

How to get the border for my report column header as image in Ireport

How to get the border for my report column header as image in Ireport

How to remove unwanted white space

Using python In my code: print('Menu') menu_items = ['pizza','burger','hotdog','salad'] menu_price = ['10','7','4','8'] print('0)',menu_items[0], '$', menu_pri

How to divide two unsigned long 64 bit values in x86 assembly and then returning the quotient and remainder to a C program

In a separate C program, I have passed 4 parameters to an x86 ASM program. dividend divisor Quotient pointer Remainder pointer dividend = 0xA divisor = 0x3 Whic

Insert and Delete element on Circular Queue

I'm studying about circular queue in data structure . As you can see from the code below, I try to delete a specific data and insert data on Circular queue. How

PHP script send scheduled firebase notification

I need to schedule the push notifications that offered by firebase cloud messaging by using a PHP code without cron job. I'm currently using this code to push n

InversifyJS + TypeScript + Ejected CRA: issues with importing files with interfaces

Code available here: I created a simple React application with CRA and the TypeScript template and ejected the app

Why qt project can throw errors like undefined reference to `__imp_ Py_Initialize' and so on?

I want to add python functions in C++ code. The project is written using qt. In I have: ... INCLUDEPATH += "D:/workplace/Python/include" LIBS += -L"D:/

How to get substring between two strings in DART?

How can i achieve similar solution to: How to get a substring between two strings in PHP? but in DART For example I have a String:String data = "the quick brow