In C atof=a-to-f(loat) converts a string into a double precision float. I am wondering what the a part of atof stand for.
theres an error in uploading image to firebase storage from MVC the folder path isnt shown( controlerpage1 controlerp
Here's my test in ./tests/homepage.test.js context('Signup flow', () => { it('The happy path should work', () => { cy.visit('https://grazily.c
I want to use a <Link /> with no content inside of it within my app, but for whatever reason, if I don't pass any content to it I get the "multiple childr
Lambda has triggered again even after the SQS visibility timeout is the same as lambda timeout around 8min. Having SQS visibility timeout greater than lambda ti
I am importing multiple maven module through 'Existing maven Projects' tab from 'Import' section under eclipse. But i am trying to know whether it supports/pop
I am trying to open a existing jupyter notebook from a folder in google drive. In colab, I do: File-> open notbook-> google drive Only jupyter notebook fi
I have implemented custom object detector using YOLO for offline on CPU. When I run this command on CPU: !./darknet detector demo data/ cfg/yolov4-obj.c
Im trying to render a Markdown file in my react app. Im using the react-markdown library and converting the MD to text using the following: useEffect(() =&g
I am making generic classes for hitting otp api.anybody can use otp section just have to pass request ,Response class and url and all will be done by this otp s
I want to install a specific version of Visual Studio, but don't know how, specifically version 17.0. All my search result is just release notes, can't install.
I am trying to plot a path diagram of a Structural Equation Model(SEM) in R. I was able to plot it using semPlot::semPaths(). The output is similar to The SEM
I have this simple caddy JSON config to proxy request from https://localhost to my localhost server running on port 8080. That's working fine. { "apps": {
I'm trying to make a thousand comma separator for JavaScript calculator. But something works weird for me. Here is the code that should work: var commas = r
I'm developing a website where a Search box can return a lot of results in a dropdown list and each result has a clickable internal link to a webpage within the
I have a subclassed model with some custom attributes like this: class MyModel(tf.keras.Model): def __init__(self, *args, my_var, **kwargs): super()
In the app, going File > Workspace > Sign in to new workspace launches a browser window. After selecting the workspace in browser, it la
I tried to generate a private key and certificate using OpenSSL v3.0.1 on x64 using the command: "C:\Program Files\OpenSSL\bin\openssl.exe" req -x509 -sha256 -
In Nuxt2 there were template $refs that you could access in <script> with this.$refs I would like to know what is the Nuxt3 equivalent of this is. I need
in this code, I tried to decrease the quantity of products from the database when the user places the order, it is working but the problem is just decreasing fr
What I ultimately want is a vector, giving the direction of the green line in the image below, knowing only the position of the yellow and green dots. To be mor
I tried to use DJL to load the Yolov5 model for target recognition, but an error was reported. ai.djl.engine.EngineException: PytorchStreamReader failed locatin
I want to make a website which will give the user math problems, and then based on the responses, will suggest new math problems for the user. I am not so sure
I'm attempting to create a function that takes two numbers, finds the highest one, and returns that. When I run my code: <script type="text/JavaScript">
Trying to get nxxxxx number as the output from below input, uniqueMember: uid=n039833,ou=people,ou=networks,o=test,c=us uniqueMember: uid=N019560, ou=people, ou
Recently I'm investigating Qt6 so as to migrate my project to the latest Qt version. Finding that the QtWebEngineCore for macOS is so big in Qt-6.3.0, the size
I am using webclient in springboot application to call a external restful webservice. getting this exception intermittently. SSLEngi
I have a few properties that capture timestamps when data is inserted or updated in the database. I don't want these properties visible in Swagger in POST reque
Could you please check my code and tell me why it's not working: def plotSabrImplVolSmile (security, context, expiry, N, lstalpha, lstvov, lstrho): strikesG
I want to decrease model weigth in runtime. I am currently working on a plugin but it doesn't seem to work. I am using iris model with pixhawk 4 sitl. My purpos