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adb server version (40) doesn't match this client (41)

Android Studio is unable to install an application throwing the following error: adb server version (40) doesn't match this client (41); killing I tried answer

Declare new height and width for every new page on added jspdf using javascript

var doc = new jsPDF('px','px', [388, 2401]); var width = doc.internal.pageSize.getWidth; var height = doc.internal.pageSize.getHeight; doc.addImage(img, 'JPEG'

How to avoid hardcoding ServiceUrl in AD B2C custom policy API connector?

I have a REST API connector in my B2C custom policy. All examples I have seen hard code the value of the ServiceUrl metadata item in the REST technical profile.

How to export all rows using Export Buttons of Backpack Laravel?

I'm looking to export all rows of users table using the export button of Backpack in Laravel. Currently the export button only exports the lignes of 10 rows sho

How to fix setTimeout() when appending to document

So I have a thing to show when a user is typing in my website but I want the typing... to show the dots slower rather than instantly right now I have my current

NPM install not work and make lock-json file

Hi I'm trying to install npm to run a kit. my node version is: v12.18.3 my npm version is: 6.14.6 my folder is "test" and I'm installing npm with this command:

Next.js | How to improve seo when doing dynamic routing with ssr

I am writing dynamic routes code in, like the code below. So my question is, this dynamic routes page is not reflected in google at all. I have dynamically set

C# WebBrowser not loading local Javascript file

I am using the C# WebBrowser control. My HTML renders fine. However, I need to keep external files on the local computer. References to the local copy of fil

How to stop "keychain access" permission dialog on MacOS when debugging Flutter app on Visual Studio Code?

I had just moved from Android Studio to Visual Studio Code. I'm using Firebase in my app which I debug by running it on MacOS. Every time I do "Start Debugging"

Kotlin Flow returned from Room does not update when an insert is performed from another Fragment/ViewModel

I have a Room database that returns a Flow of objects. When I insert a new item into the database, the Flow's collect function only triggers if the insert was p

Vaadin upgrade 22.0.2 to 23.0.3 failed

I upgraded my application (i.e. I adjusted the version number in the pom) from Vaadin v22.0.2 (using which it built and ran perfect) to v23.0.3 and the below is

'pipenv install <package>' fails on fresh python3.10 installation

Just installed a fresh copy of Python3.10 via Pop OS, followed by pip and the python Pipenv package. Installing pip packages works fine globally, but if I try t

postgres docker : role "root" does not exist

I am running docker-compose in Github-Action. docker-compose.yml has following service definition for postgres postgres: container_name: postgres imag

Error while reading date and datetime column from mariadb via spark

I am reading the mariadb table from spark which has date and datetime fields. Spark is throwing error while reading. Below is the schema of mariadb table: Spar

How to read exif metadata from jpg file using only python, without any library?

I am trying to extract exif metadata from jpg file but hit a wall in between. I am following this( ) but not sure if

change this text file in xml [closed]

I want to build test files from manually in XML How can I do it? example code is here part 1 # When other cursive scripts are

Laravel Vapor file upload fails

Following the Laravel Vapor documentation for file uploads (, I'm encountering the following er

Splitting a file based on number of records and file size

I have a file which contains 100 records... Each record has different size, like some are 1 KB while some are 1 MB. I want to split the file based upon number o

rollup run dev aborts

I'm working in a Svelte project with rollup. After working for a while, when I try to restart de project in production to see the changes and I write 'npm run d

Is there any way to automate desktop GUI swing applications using java

I have a GUI which is not developed me and have to automate it to avoid some manual steps. Any idea how can we automate desktop GUI using java. I tried using AT

How to iterate in a range determined by TWO variables?

I have a code: echo "the range's starting number:" read -r a #it was 10 echo "the range's ending number:" read -r b #it was 20 for (( c=$a; c<=$b; c++ )) do

How to fix the error: takes 1 positional arguments but 2 were given?

Problem: I would like to fix the error below. f() takes 1 positional arguments but 2 were given My code: import math delta_x = 0.001 def integrate(func, z, w)

React onClick event not firing with express-react-views

I am using express-react-views + NodeJS to make a media platform. My "like button" element is not firing it's onClick event. My relevant code: <h1>{this.s

C, Do structs with multiple dynamically allocated arrays need to be resized for every allocation?

Below I have a struct with multiple dynamically allocated char arrays. It compiles, Valgrind indicates no issues and it functions as anticipated. Earlier, someo

Display the WooCommerce product price inside a custom function

I have created a custom function to display 3 custom fields (ACF) and the product price in the WooCommerce Archive/Shop page. My Custom fields are showing corre

Build error in Qt Creator in release but not in debug

I'm working with Qt 5.15.2 in Qt Creator 6.0.2. I have a program that uses a .lib file which was built in both debug (_ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL = 0) and release (_I

How to resolve act() in useEffect?

I have a small problem with act() error in react-testing-library. In useEffect I try to call an function that is a promise. Promise returns some data and displa

File upload in a nested json object having multipart file in Angular 6

Hi I am facing problem in uploading file in a object(body:DataSet) while submitting. My classes are as below: export class DataSet implements IDataSet { Id?: nu

diff 2 files and print only difference bash in Jenkins job

I try to diff to 2 file in bash in Jenkins job If i do this in minigw (eg gitbash) all working just fine But if run same command in Jenkins i got all from files

python this gpiozero method is not working right of the bat

from gpiozero import MotionSensor While true: MotionSensor(17).when_motion() print("motion detected") returns error: Traceback (most recent call last