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How do I plot my datetime on the x axis when this value is used as index?

I have a short question. This is my dataframe: gradient result date 2022-04-15 09:43:20 0.206947 0.10

How to search for dialogues in quotation marks and dashes?

I would like to search for dialogues in between quotation marks and dashes, but I can't seem to code it. Regarding dialogues marked by quotation marks, I have f

Firestore-algolia-search command not found

So I had a question I'm working on a Algolia extension for Firebase but when I try Step 3(see image 2 below) to excute the commands I get a "bash: firestore-al

aws sam bucket deploy failed due to Encountered unsupported boolean value true

I tried to deploy a S3:Bucket with sam. But when i run sam deploy, it failes with the error message "Encountered unsupported boolean value true" Any idea why ?

glTexImage2D - channels count as the internal format

OpenGL 2.1 documentation says that glTexImage2D accepts channels count as the internal format. How does choosing the internal format work in such scenario ? Doe

How i can get selection model from one method to another metod from other class with Table View? [duplicate]

I want to get one selected model with name, author,key_words to next window. Where it will be in tex fields. After i changing this, i want to

Power BI: Add bigquery service account key file

I am trying to add a service account key file to access a bigquery data set in power bi. I am selecting service account login during the set up process. I added

Why Vert.x blocks event loop thread when using Oracle Reactive Client

I try to user Vert.x Reactive Oracle Client version 4.2.6 to avoid blocking threads in event loop. I decided to test a really long query: GlobalScope.launch(ver

Bypass Cloudflare with puppeteer

I am trying to scrape some startups data of a site with puppeteer and when I try to navigate to the next page the cloudflare waiting screen comes in and disrupt

R - networkD3 issues

I am using networkD3 in R to display my data (sankeyNetwork function). I ran into several issues that do not seem to have solutions available. Issue 1: If node

How can I add a label to a checkbox dynamically

I want my checkboxes to look like this: <input type="checkbox"name="id">Check 1</input> <input type="checkbox"name="id">Check 2</input>

React Router Removes server prefix (Reverse Proxy)

I am trying to run a React Application behind a reverse proxy server that has a prefix(say root-prefix) and secondary prefix(say subdirectory/path). The final U

How to parameterise the boolProp tag in jmeter jmx file for providing the input in jenkins

Context: Using JMeter 5.4.3 Using JenkinsFile for setup Jmeter Thread group in .jmx has the below snippet: <ThreadGroup guiclass="ThreadGroupGui" tes

What causes TypeError in Apollo Client?

I am looking at an error report from Apollo Client. I am not able to reproduce the issue and it doesn't appear to happen often, but I would like to figure out w

Scraping video url from multiple pages of a website

I am doing scraping using selenium. i want to scrape all the video urls that are present in the 626 products on the 25 pages. but while extracting the url it gi

Show list of registered users base on current month using laravel

Im new to laravel and im tryin to learn the fundamentals of it. My question is how can I display all the registered users that is registered only on the current

afterEffect, How to automatically shrink the text?

I want to make an AE template for others to use, in which I want the text to always be within the specified range. If the text content increases, it will automa

Processing arguments for subprocesses using argparse: "Expected one argument"

First of all, I am sorry about the title that does not give a perfect idea of what my problem is, I kinda struggled with it, so I am going to illustrate it more

ASP.NET Core MapFallbackToFile is not handling non-existings urls. Only homepage

I am creating Blazor app. If I navigate to homepage - page loads fine, then I navigate into article e.g. localhost/new-article. Next step is page refresh via F5

catboost data visualization is not displayed

I'm trying to use the data visualization feature in catboost - the one that visualizes training vs validation error (learning curve):, y_train

error: (-2:Unspecified error) Can't create layer "NoOp" of type "NoOp" in function 'cv::dnn::dnn4_v20210608::LayerData::getLayerInstance'

I am using tensorflow 2.4 and Cuda 11. I've build a CNN model from scratch using tensorflow and frozen it to create the .pb and .pbtxt file.Now I am trying to m

Amplify API REST with AWS_IAM: Request failed with status code 403

I'm trying to execute API calls from ReactNative AWS Amplify to API Gateway endpoint using AWS_IAM authorization. I do it by calling (all Amplify initialization

Laravel whole batch is cancelled if one Job fails

I'm working on a Laravel project that uses the Batching feature to batch a bunch of Jobs into a Batch. In my context, I have around 50 jobs in a batch, each job, map functionality and random

Manipulating I get a behavior, I am not able to understand the origin. I am manipulating a a simple integer buffer where I want

CakePHP 4.x MissingTemplate Exception when EmailTransport url is defined

Inside app_local.php: 'EmailTransport' => [ 'default' => [ 'className' => MailTransport::class, /* * T

How to fix cannot open shared object file when simulating hardware in Quartus 20.1 running on Pop_OS 20.04

I have recently moved to Linux and am getting used to the OS, I managed to install and run Quartus 20.1 Lite and I was testing it out with an old working projec

Why am I getting a JsonDecodingException exception in kotlinx.serialization?

I'm trying to create a custom deserializer using kotlinx.serialization but when I deerialize a JSON payload with null parameters, an exception kotlinx.serializa

How to extract value from Sharepoint multiple choice values column in Flow

I'm trying to write a Flow that will enable me to periodically email a Sharepoint list to an email address. All works well for most columns on the list except w

How to escape single quote in Flexdashboard Navbar Menu?

I'm using R markdown to create a flexdashboard. I'm having difficulty escaping a single quote in the title of one of my navbar menus. I would like for my menu t

How to implement !Send or !Sync for a type?

Is it possible to explicitly mark a type with unimplemented Send or Sync marker traits without some redundant fields? This can be an alternative: struct T {