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What does atof stand for?

In C atof=a-to-f(loat) converts a string into a double precision float. I am wondering what the a part of atof stand for.

there`s an error in uploading image to firebase storage from MVC the folder path isn`t shown(

theres an error in uploading image to firebase storage from MVC the folder path isnt shown( controlerpage1 controlerp

ReferenceError: context is not defined when using cypress with

Here's my test in ./tests/homepage.test.js context('Signup flow', () => { it('The happy path should work', () => { cy.visit('https://grazily.c

nextjs does not support an empty link - what is a workaround for this?

I want to use a <Link /> with no content inside of it within my app, but for whatever reason, if I don't pass any content to it I get the "multiple childr

Lambda trigger again after timeout even sqs visible timeout is same as lambda timeout

Lambda has triggered again even after the SQS visibility timeout is the same as lambda timeout around 8min. Having SQS visibility timeout greater than lambda ti

How to open a new tab for new module in eclipse?

I am importing multiple maven module through 'Existing maven Projects' tab from 'Import' section under eclipse. But i am trying to know whether it supports/pop

how to open a jupyter notebook under a folder in google drive?

I am trying to open a existing jupyter notebook from a folder in google drive. In colab, I do: File-> open notbook-> google drive Only jupyter notebook fi

YOLO Error: names: Using default 'data/names.list' Couldn't open file: data/names.list when implemented on CPU offline

I have implemented custom object detector using YOLO for offline on CPU. When I run this command on CPU: !./darknet detector demo data/ cfg/yolov4-obj.c

Trying to render a markdown file with images in react

Im trying to render a Markdown file in my react app. Im using the react-markdown library and converting the MD to text using the following: useEffect(() =&g

Android generic Gson.fromJson() conversion with coroutine and flow

I am making generic classes for hitting otp api.anybody can use otp section just have to pass request ,Response class and url and all will be done by this otp s

How to install specific version of Visual Studio 2022

I want to install a specific version of Visual Studio, but don't know how, specifically version 17.0. All my search result is just release notes, can't install.

Path diagram in r

I am trying to plot a path diagram of a Structural Equation Model(SEM) in R. I was able to plot it using semPlot::semPaths(). The output is similar to The SEM

Caddy reverse_proxy with websocket JSON config

I have this simple caddy JSON config to proxy request from https://localhost to my localhost server running on port 8080. That's working fine. { "apps": {

How to do thousand comma separator for javascript calculator?

I'm trying to make a thousand comma separator for JavaScript calculator. But something works weird for me. Here is the code that should work: var commas = r

Can HTML anchor tags ever be used for internal links in Gatsby?

I'm developing a website where a Search box can return a lot of results in a dropdown list and each result has a clickable internal link to a webpage within the

copy/clone of keras subclassed models with custom attributes

I have a subclassed model with some custom attributes like this: class MyModel(tf.keras.Model): def __init__(self, *args, my_var, **kwargs): super()

Signing into slack-desktop not working on 4.23.0 64-bit (Ubuntu) [closed]

In the app, going File > Workspace > Sign in to new workspace launches a browser window. After selecting the workspace in browser, it la

PFX import always gives Incorrect password error

I tried to generate a private key and certificate using OpenSSL v3.0.1 on x64 using the command: "C:\Program Files\OpenSSL\bin\openssl.exe" req -x509 -sha256 -

How to use template refs in Nuxt 3

In Nuxt2 there were template $refs that you could access in <script> with this.$refs I would like to know what is the Nuxt3 equivalent of this is. I need

decreasing values with loop in Django

in this code, I tried to decrease the quantity of products from the database when the user places the order, it is working but the problem is just decreasing fr

How can I rotate a vector 90 degrees into a perpendicular plane, and then 15 degrees free from that plane?

What I ultimately want is a vector, giving the direction of the green line in the image below, knowing only the position of the yellow and green dots. To be mor

ai.djl.engine.EngineException: PytorchStreamReader failed locating file constants.pkl: file not found

I tried to use DJL to load the Yolov5 model for target recognition, but an error was reported. ai.djl.engine.EngineException: PytorchStreamReader failed locatin

Is it possible to have a website that can adapt to user level and ask quiz them based on strengths and weaknesses?

I want to make a website which will give the user math problems, and then based on the responses, will suggest new math problems for the user. I am not so sure

JavaScript Function find and return largest number

I'm attempting to create a function that takes two numbers, finds the highest one, and returns that. When I run my code: <script type="text/JavaScript">

Powershell Regex match statement

Trying to get nxxxxx number as the output from below input, uniqueMember: uid=n039833,ou=people,ou=networks,o=test,c=us uniqueMember: uid=N019560, ou=people, ou

Why QtWebEngineCore for macOS is so big in Qt6

Recently I'm investigating Qt6 so as to migrate my project to the latest Qt version. Finding that the QtWebEngineCore for macOS is so big in Qt-6.3.0, the size SSLEngine closed already SSLEngine closed already in webclient (Springboot)

I am using webclient in springboot application to call a external restful webservice. getting this exception intermittently. SSLEngi

Remove Model properties in WebAPI POST but keep for GET in Swagger

I have a few properties that capture timestamps when data is inserted or updated in the database. I don't want these properties visible in Swagger in POST reque

Python Plotting multiple graphs for a function with 3 different parameters - of different values of each parameters while fixing the 2 others -

Could you please check my code and tell me why it's not working: def plotSabrImplVolSmile (security, context, expiry, N, lstalpha, lstvov, lstrho): strikesG

Gazebo how can i change model weigth during runtime?

I want to decrease model weigth in runtime. I am currently working on a plugin but it doesn't seem to work. I am using iris model with pixhawk 4 sitl. My purpos