Category "ios"

Link to fat Static Library inside Swift Package

I’m trying to build a Swift Package that wraps a fat static library written in C: libndi_advanced_ios.a from NewTek's Apple Advanced NDI SDK. I am having

Timer is not worked in background flutter

This code is not printed, when app go to background in iOS. Timer.periodic(Duration(seconds: 1), (timer) { print('timer'); } I need to save state to database a

How Do You AB Test Your iOS App Icon on App Store Connect?

According to the docs you should be able to AB Test app icons now on iOS. However, I can't figure out how to do it. Here, it says you need to include an asset c

Ionic Capacitor (Angular) blank page ios when building from XCode

I'm building an app with Ionic 6 + capacitor. It works fine when testing on the browser and the Android build. However, when I try to build it using XCode it ju

iOS Deep Link from Widget when App closed?

My widget has several links that the user can click, the link are set up as follows: Link(destination: URL(string: "widget://start")!) Now I am able to detect

window.webkit.messageHandlers is null on ios 15

window.webkit.messageHandlers gives null on ios 15, but when I set config.limitsNavigationsToAppBoundDomains = true; it works properly. But I don't want to res

SwiftUI - MapAnnotation is showing up in wrong position

I am trying to display multiple map annotations to Apple Maps In SwiftUI, but the annotations are showing in some wrong perspective. All positions are displayed

Swift Mjpeg Streaming Only Showing Single Frame

I am trying to create a Mjepg stream. I have followed a tutorial and it's not a lot of code to get a stream to lead but I don't understand why it's not working

React native - Which is the best way to compress video before upload to server?

We are using ffmpeg library ( but with large videos this task is taking too long time, up to 4 minutes or more

How to create array of objects in firebase

I am working on a project developing a car rental app. The app can be accessed by admin and user both with different roles. So at the moment i'm saving the car

ld: entry point (_main) undefined. for architecture arm64

not sure what to do. i keep getting this message "ld: entry point (_main) undefined. for architecture arm64" I am unsure if it has to do with my process but I h

Can’t find any information about original_transaction_id in Family sharing

Can’t find any information about original_transaction_id in Family sharing. Can anyone say will original_transaction_id one for all members who get a sub

Why does xCode cannot build my flutter app with 'sqflite' not found error

I'm trying to build my Flutter app for iOS using xCode and got error: .../ios/Runner/GeneratedPluginRegistrant.m:10:9: Module 'sqflite' not found When I'm tryi

Why does UIToolBar turn transparent/translucent when table view scrolls under it

I have a UITableViewController and when the user taps an "edit" button, I display a toolbar at the bottom of the screen. I create a shadow on top of the toolbar

Unable to call Device Activity in Screen Time Api From Parent Device

Using shared authorization I am able to authorize the child's device and able to see all the installed apps on the child's mobile on the parent device. But when

how to resolve app crash in AXSpeechManager for iOS 14.5

I recently met a weird crash which only appears in iOS 14.5 and iOS 14.5.1, which I cannot reproduce. But the crash log only contains code from the system frame

how to change cell background colour on selected item in UICollectionView and change other Cell colour to default in swift

I am new in swift and I am trying to change cell background colour of UICollectionView but its not working my code is like this in cellForItemAt if(cell.isSelec

Limit amount of widgets that can be added to iOS app by user

I have app that lets users to add widgets, my widgets are configurable (they can present different content), I want to limit amount of widget instances that can

Error: Member not found: 'packageRoot', how to solve ignore: deprecated_member_use in Flutter?

In my flutter project, I have made some updates of plugins and then used flutter upgrade. After that, whenever I am running my flutter project it is showing fol

View hierarchy debugger only shows views frame

I have a very big problem with View hierarchy debugger in Xcode. This is my only project in which I have this behavior. When I capture the view hierarchy I only