Category "angular"

Angular debugger won't continue

This has been going on for some months but we are really getting anoyed by it. So in the summer of 2020, we upgraded our packages in our angular project and all

How to get boundary box corner in CRS units in Cesium?

For my project, I am using cesium to display on a map WMS layers (On 2D map). To increase performances, I use the provider SingleTileImageryProvider to request

How to rename Angular Universal entry file to app.js and move it to the app root directory

So I have an Angular Universal SSR app which runs with node. The latest Angular and Universal versions as of 21/01/2021. My hosting company allows me to run nod

Angular RxJS - Subscribe to Observable only IF subscribing to another Observable gave a certain result

I need some kind of special RxJS syntax if it exists for this scenario: this.electronicInvoiceService.getElectronicInvoice(this.invoiceId) .subs

Angular testing async function generate error - 1 periodic timer(s) still in the queue

I'm trying to test that two async functions. The problem is that one of the functions is called every 10 seconds automatically. I tried to use tick() or flush()

edit inline angular (change detection strategy, subject, behavior subject)

my output Here is my code: I am just a beginner for few days. I dont understa

Angular mat form field appearance

How do I implement this in Angular 12? below is the code in my html: <mat-form-field style="width: 70px;" [appearance]="somevariable ? 'none' : 'legacy'" &

How to download html table to excel in angular with style

I am able to download table data in excel using xlsx and file-save, however I want to download data with styles in excel (So if my text is bold, if it has align

Angular not showing static HTML file that is declared in assets

I would like to show a static HTML file as part of the Angular app, so included it in assets section in angular.json file. But still when accessing it http://lo

Angular 14: Calling GET or POST always return null response

I have AuthService which has login() method like: private authUrl = "http://localhost:8080/myapi/auth"; login(username: string, password: string) { let

internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:883 throw err

I've ran into an issue running npm start (I've attached the screenshot of the error bellow) on my Angular project. When I run the project using ng serve, everyt

Ionic Capacitor (Angular) blank page ios when building from XCode

I'm building an app with Ionic 6 + capacitor. It works fine when testing on the browser and the Android build. However, when I try to build it using XCode it ju

Angular 11: core.js:1141 Uncaught Error: Type DecoratorFactory does not have 'ɵmod' property. at getNgModuleDef (core.js:1141:15)

The project (Angular 11, rxjs, material, @swimlane/ngxdatatabe) can be build and serve with no error message. When loading the landing page from Chrome, it is s

Overriding element's css in Nebular/Angular

So I am trying to change the css of the header element of the nebular theme in angular It looks like so I want it to look like this I am trying to separate the

Angular 11 stuck on "Generating browser application bundles (phase: building)"

Everything is working fine yesterday, today when start my angular 11 project, I got stock on "/ Generating browser application bundles (phase: building)..." hav

firebaseAuth.onAuthStateChanged return user null

I'm trying to implement authentification using firebase auth, the things is that when it comes to persistance i'm stuck. I tried to use local storage as you can

Supplied parameters do not match any signature of call target - angular 4

I'm using ngx-translate in service. Exactly in this function. @Injectable() export class StartService { constructor(private translateService: Trans form builder how to emit or submit data

I am building a dynamic drag and drop form builder and i cant find a way to console log out the data of the form. here is the form component.html in which i am

Placeholder for nz select in ngzorro isn't working

Here is the code snippet. The placeholder doesn't appear in the dropdown, is blank before choosing an option. <nz-select nzShowSearch=true

How to receive a type from Angular 12 reactive dropdown list when change fired

in an Angular 12 reactive form, I have a dropdown list which is hooked up to fire on the change event. Now the data populating the D/D is of a Type rather than