Category "angular"

Associate a valid label to this input field sonarqube

Sonarqube found a bug in this line of code: <div class="dropdown-language"> <label>{{'GENERALE.LINGUA' | translate }}</label>

does the filter with new date() accept format other than yyyy-mm-dd?

I have a response from mydatepicker in the following format { "isRange":false, "singleDate":{ "date":{ "year":2022, "month":5, "day":13 },

How can Angular router navigate to url which has '#' inside path?

I have this route defined in my router: const routes: Routes = [ { path: '', component: BaseComponent }, { path: '#HomePage'

Reload component after back from redirection in angular 8

I make a external redirection with window.location.href to another page, but as external page take too much time to load, i show a spinner in my page (managed w

Angular: Component is not resolved when using Speedy Web Compiler (SWC) for TestBed tests

The tests in my Nx Angular 10 repo have been running very slow so I decided to switch from using jest-ts to @swc/jest. jest.presets.ts const nxPreset = require(

Angular 13 - material table new row, delete row update table

I am using Angular 13 material-table. I am able to successfully send a request to an api server. I'm sending a successful post request using modal-dialog and re

Why should I add '?' in the validation of reactive form?

I am creating a reactive form in angular 13. When doing validation I am only able to make it work like this: <div class="form-group"> <label for="

Prime NG calendar closing when the soft keyboard opens

I am working in an Angular 10 app. When using a tablet, opening a p-calendar primeng component opens the soft keyboard, triggering a window resize event. p-cale

Can I pre-authenticate my Angular Client Application using Identity Server 4 to call my locally hosted .Net Core WebAPI

I have an Angular Client App, which calls a .Net Core WebAPI hosted on the same box. It is authenticated using Identity Server 4 in a separate WebAPI.OAuth app

Error from chokidar : Error: UNKNOWN: unknown error, watch

In a new Angular app I'm getting the following error: Error from chokidar : Error: UNKNOWN: unknown error, watch I've deleted and re-installed node_modules, dow

Angular show hide with combine condition

I have an array of object need to show hide based on filter like below: HTML CODE: Filter: <div (click)="filter(1)"> F1 </div>

Format data in store with @ngrx/data and @ngrx/entity, not in component (subscriber)

While working with ngrx/data I find myself parsing and formatting data from the store in multiple places: converting strings to date objects or formatting strin

Multiple large file upload to SP in angular

I am trying to upload multiple large files to the SP in the angular project and I've done it successfully. But my code uploads all the files at once into the se

pass data to child component when clicked on card in parent component ( card has image name id and more info ) angular

I want to pass data when clicked on the card(card has images, id, name, and more) from the parent(nfts) to the child(main) component and render the information

Angular animation on ngIf* not applying even though the code looks right

The following angular animation is not applying or working on my toolbar, it should translate it out of view, but it does nothing, it only disappears when minim

Angular/Leaflet/OpenStreetMap - clicking on pin for pop-up throws error about an already defined service variable, doesn't display binded pop-up

The error appears in the browser, when I click on any pin. No pop-up is displayed, nothing happens, just the error in the console. Below you will find the comp

IIS 7.x server error with HTTPS deployement

Am using IIS V7.5 with windows server for deploying Angular + .Net 4.5 fullStack application. Am using multiple instances at same site with different versions o

Angular Material intellisense doesn't work in VSCode

I'm working on an Angular (v13) project and I installed Angular Material using this command ng add @angular/material I can see the package in the node_modules,

Problem with angular pipes (percent, currency, date)

the Angular question: You are prompted to complete the TransactionDetailsComponent component. You only need modify the template part of the component. The purpo

Response from Microsoft identity provider getting delayed when implemented Open Id Connect in Angular and hence unable to login

I have implemented Open Id Connect in my Angular application(ver.11) with angular-oauth2-oidc library. I am able to authenticate with Google authentication syst