Category "flutter"

Environment variables in string.xml in Flutter

Is it possible to send environment variables to string.xml in flutter? How to do it?

Error: could not find the correct Provider<List<Parking>> above this ParkingList Widget

import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter_user_profile/home/parking_tile.dart'; import 'package:provider/provider.dart'; import 'parking_t

Error: Error when reading 'pub': No such file or directory

I am trying to set up a Dart project to use shelf. Now to enable hot reload, I am trying to install dartman. On doing pub global activate dartman Command 'pub'

Can use provider in init state (but it gives me an error)

I can use the provider in the init state, but it does give me an error. I saw answers that you need to use listen: false in the provider. of method but it still

How can I send a soap request using flutter with two arguments and a wsdl

I am trying to send a soap request with two arguments using flutter. The wsdl can be found at this address I didn't found any ways to only send a request with

Setting up Flutter in terminal yields a command not found message

I'm trying to setup Flutter on my Mac but when I use the terminal to check the version I keep getting the message "zsh: command not found: flutter" The steps th

How can I change gradle to work offline in Android Studio Bumblebee for a Flutter project

I have Android Studio Bumblebee on ubuntu and I need to set my Gradle to work offline. I can't find the gradle tab to try out some of the suggestions such as th

Changing icon color in light theme doesn't have any affect

I'm writing a flutter application and I'm trying to define my own themes for light and dark themes. coding with android studio and testing it using the regular

How to remove Grey box from Picker Flutter widget

I am using flutter_picker: ^2.0.0 plugin. And could not find option to remove grey box from Picker. Here is my code :- Picker( itemExtent: 50, magni

MissingPluginException(No implementation found for method on init channel better_player_channel)

I am getting the following error even though I copied the example from better_player documentation. I made sure my target on android is 31, kotlin is 1.5+, and

Difference between Isolate vs Thread vs Process?

As we know flutter app runs in an isolates. Somewhere I read that isolates are not system processes. So what really an isolate is and how it's different from pr

I'm getting the error 'cmdline-tools component is missing" and "Android license status unknown" , when i run the command flutter doctor

[!] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK version 30.0.3) X cmdline-tools component is missing Run `path/to/sdkmanager --instal

The plugin `kommunicate_flutter` uses a deprecated version of the Android embedding

I try to upload kommunicate_flutter: ^1.1.3 in my flutter android app becasue I want to add chatbot in my app but I face this problem , can anyone help me pleas

How do I correct this flutter error: Unexpected token a in JSON at position 0?

When I send data from flutter to php I am getting the error below. I am using dropdown and map to display and collect the date selection. I also have a few text

flutter: Target of URI doesn't exist

When I try to open the flutter project of my developer, I get hundreds of errors, that he does not find multiple packages for instance. Packages that consist wi

How To Copy text from a flutter button class while adding additional texts to clipboard?

ive created a custom button that I use in multiple places in my flutter app. and I've also used the toast package to copy and show text anytime the button is cl

Test API calls in Bloc in Flutter

Im first time trying to write Tests for Bloc, Here I face the problem that is : NoSuchMethodError: The method 'fetchPlayerToLogin' was called on null. Receiver:

Flutter Quill Editor Follow Typing Text

We have created a notes app, and have implemented Flutter Quill as our Text Editor. The issue we are facing is that as the user types, the screen doesn't follow

How to Fix The method '>=' was called on null. Receiver: null Tried calling: >=(25) in dart flutter

Guys, I am trying to create a BMI calculator app. everything is working fine but I am getting an error which is shown below while passing data in the condition

Flutter FCM: Storing Notification Data while the app is in the Background/Closed

I am trying to store data received via FCM inside a class in order to navigate to a specific tab of my app after a user clicks on that notification. My problem