Category "html"

Is there a way to display the form field as mm/yyyy in html form?

I'm trying to have a form field with mm/yyyy as an input. Can you help me in suggesting a way to have this date format ?

How to ng-repeat this table row and increase the ng-show row position value instead of hard coding the values

I am working on a feature which allows a user to create their own table. I'd like to refactor this code. So it creates a number of rows based on the max rows I

Click event not updating global variable

I have a website with 2 pages. In the first page (landing page), I have this clickable element: <div class="col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-12" id="arrest-

Not able to access CSS from the phone storage in Cordova

I am trying to access CSS file from phone storage in Cordova. The simple use case is to use dynamic CSS. Donwload the CSS from the server on a specific interval

How to change from page-2.html the option from dropdown menu with onclick function from page-1.html

I want to split the below code to two pages instead of one page. The code you see is inside to page-1.html. When you click the link "set to val1" the dropdown c

attributeChangedCallback() always called twice ending up with multiple event listeners

Playing around with custom elements, I'm trying to get a click event fired depending on custom element attribute's value. But using the attributeChangedCallback

The new url id is getting appended after the previous request's url

I'm making a get request in django using html form as: crud.html <form action="{% url 'crudId' id %}" method="get"> <div class="col">

How to add multiple array items as HTML content?

I need to extract some words from a string of text, insert every character of that words inside a span element and then replace the extracted words with the spa

Images uploaded from Safari gets cut off

I have a form in a web app where you can upload an image, and then i send a POST call to a GAS script. Then in the GAS script i save the image in a Google drive

how to get the value of a specific column of each row in a html table?

I need to get the sensitivity (7th column) of each setting (row) site: table id: "table_1" 2 rows class: "

How to increase the bottom padding of the headline in my blog?

I'm trying to increase the bottom padding of my headline in my blog and for some reason it is not being possible. This is the code that I'm writing to increase

How to change speed of a keyframe without it jumping

I am trying to change the speed of the keyframe by changing animationDuration. but everytime i change the animationDuration, the box that is animated changes po

css clamp function with auto not working as min, value, max

I have am using css clamp() to adjust height of my div, but it doesn't work as expected. .container{ height: clamp(200px, auto, 400px); } but works well wh

How to change the visibility of a div when browser reloads?

I want to make the main div hidden when someone hits the refresh button and then after sometime making the main div visible. The reload detection code is workin

How to add space between header and body table in Angular Material 13?

How can I add space(margin) between header and body in a angular material table? I tried at first with this solution but it didn't work. demo: https://stackblit

How to access all the direct children of a div in tailwindcss?

I have this html: <div class="section"> <div class="header">header</div> <div class="content"> <div>sub contents 1<

overflow hidden css safari not working but chrome yes

I have an issue with safari explorer. I have a scroll indicator in the shape of a circle, that works fine in any borwser except safari. So I have one layer (the

Collapsing columns in a table without jquery by click and by url

for our intranet i've to do a large table with lots of columns. As there are many columns, i want to be able to hide some "blocks" of columns for better overvie

Working code gives error when run on any other PC

I have working code that requests information from a website. When I send the file to another PC and run the code, I get: "Run-time error'91': Object variable

Forwarded URL renders the webpage in half the height as normal for a Flutter Web app hosted in Firebase

I have a firebase hosted Flutter Web application which is a game. Since the URL for the Firebase hosted site ( is difficult to remember