Category "html"

Why Font converted to Italic style in generated PDF from HTML?

Using Package: html-pdf I am trying to apply "Exo 2" font in PDF, It has applied BUT converted PDF showing fonts in itali

Bootstrap tabs doesn't work with Django include option

I am working with bootstrap tabs in Django on page ps_tabs_capacity.html which extends the base.html . Inside ps_tabs_capacity.html there is tab I include anoth

Trading View API is not able to show the price on price-scale when it's small

Check my OHLC Data for Plotting Candlesticks with Trading View API. I am using this HTML and Script to Plot the Data : <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <he

Variable send from HTML form is undefined in Javascript

When i the variables i set in HTML can´t be found in the function in Javascript. The console.log only states "undefined". I think the Problem is, that "re

How to make Slick swipeToSlide vertically?

I'm trying to make a navigation vertical carousel compatible with IE11 i'm using slick library for the carousel, i'm having some issues with swipeToSlide option

CSS layout, flexbox

The "red" div (seen in the image) is in the "head" div. I'm using flexbox to positioning simply like that: #head { display: flex; justify-content: center;

How to programm a bit byte converter/ calculator with this table using javascript and this html code?

How to programm a bit byte converter/ calculator with this table using javascript and this html code <table> <tbody><tr><td class="uni

Trying to restrict access to a route if loggedIn condition is true

I am trying to restrict access to the login if the user is already logged in by checking if there is already a token in the localStorage. Any idea on how I can

Create Close-up Half Circle in HTML CSS

I was ask to create half circle-like design for my project in html css , its look like this : Figma Design but it really ""zoomed"in. i tried to make it and the

Enabling scroll using Tailwindcss

I am using Tailwindcss and trying to achieve a design, in which there is a scroller in middle section. However, the scroller is disabled and it's full height i

Unable to positioned the webgl canvas while capturing image

I'm accessing the webcam and trying to take a picture. this is what it looks like before capturing the pic. But this is what I'm getting after taking the pictu

Alternative to closing php tag and entering straight HTML when echo doesn't work

I apologize in advance for the horrible title; I'm sure there's a better way to ask this question, but I couldn't come up with it. I'll try to do a better job w

Show "loading..." message until get the coordinate

Here I already have the script to get the coordinate (Latitude & Longitude). Since, when I clicked the button, some people wonder when the coordinate will c

Console.log error when clicking an input type="date"

I'm using HTML5 and adding an input with a type="date" for a date picker, but when I have Developer Tools open, every time I click in my input I get the followi

Why tinymce can't read the html file containing mailto in the href part?

I'm using Tinymce5 self-hosted with javafx and Java 8 I'm having a problem reading content with mailto link. If my html page contains a link tag with mailto, Ti

If clause in a React return statement with

So I'm making a React program that's about sports. In there I have a table that shows user inputs and those are saved in Firebase realtime database. I'm getting

Adding shine animation not working in special cases

I have this function to shine any text element which is passed to it. The first example here works fine (the second example doesn't work, I provide this in case

Overriding element's css in Nebular/Angular

So I am trying to change the css of the header element of the nebular theme in angular It looks like so I want it to look like this I am trying to separate the

Can't suppress error message in R Markdown?

I'm making a tutorial using RMarkdown and I can't suppress the error message I'm getting. The reason I'm suppressing the error is because the code I'm running

Changing the order of PlatformViews (iFrame) in a Stack causes the render to fail

A possible fix would be to avoid using Keys in the Positioned widget (L: 42) but this would cause the internal state of the HtmlElementView (or other displayed