Category "mysql"

Does querying int column with string datatype have any performance impact in mysql queries?

Assuming I have a table as: create table any_table (any_column_1 int, any_column_2 varchar(255)); create index any_table_any_column_1_IDX USING BTREE ON any_tab

Does querying int column with string datatype have any performance impact in mysql queries?

Assuming I have a table as: create table any_table (any_column_1 int, any_column_2 varchar(255)); create index any_table_any_column_1_IDX USING BTREE ON any_tab

Does querying int column with string datatype have any performance impact in mysql queries?

Assuming I have a table as: create table any_table (any_column_1 int, any_column_2 varchar(255)); create index any_table_any_column_1_IDX USING BTREE ON any_tab

Does querying int column with string datatype have any performance impact in mysql queries?

Assuming I have a table as: create table any_table (any_column_1 int, any_column_2 varchar(255)); create index any_table_any_column_1_IDX USING BTREE ON any_tab

Does querying int column with string datatype have any performance impact in mysql queries?

Assuming I have a table as: create table any_table (any_column_1 int, any_column_2 varchar(255)); create index any_table_any_column_1_IDX USING BTREE ON any_tab

Does querying int column with string datatype have any performance impact in mysql queries?

Assuming I have a table as: create table any_table (any_column_1 int, any_column_2 varchar(255)); create index any_table_any_column_1_IDX USING BTREE ON any_tab

Does querying int column with string datatype have any performance impact in mysql queries?

Assuming I have a table as: create table any_table (any_column_1 int, any_column_2 varchar(255)); create index any_table_any_column_1_IDX USING BTREE ON any_tab

Does querying int column with string datatype have any performance impact in mysql queries?

Assuming I have a table as: create table any_table (any_column_1 int, any_column_2 varchar(255)); create index any_table_any_column_1_IDX USING BTREE ON any_tab

Does querying int column with string datatype have any performance impact in mysql queries?

Assuming I have a table as: create table any_table (any_column_1 int, any_column_2 varchar(255)); create index any_table_any_column_1_IDX USING BTREE ON any_tab

Does querying int column with string datatype have any performance impact in mysql queries?

Assuming I have a table as: create table any_table (any_column_1 int, any_column_2 varchar(255)); create index any_table_any_column_1_IDX USING BTREE ON any_tab

Does querying int column with string datatype have any performance impact in mysql queries?

Assuming I have a table as: create table any_table (any_column_1 int, any_column_2 varchar(255)); create index any_table_any_column_1_IDX USING BTREE ON any_tab

Operand should contain 1 column in express mysql query

Am curretly facing the following error when i try to query using express code: 'ER_OPERAND_COLUMNS', errno: 1241, sqlMessage: 'Operand should contain 1 co

mysql: [ERROR] Found option without preceding group in config file c:\users\alec at line 1

I have an interview question that requires their pre-created SQL file to be run, everytime I try and run this in MySQL it produces this error and have no idea h

Attempting to INSERT values into a MySQL DB from C# code within a form, but getting "Column cannot be NULL

All - thanks in advance for your time. So, background info - I am trying to create a form for contact registration using C# to pass the information into my MyS

If not exist with Date SQL

i want to add the time, if there is free time as example im doing that with two textboxes where im entering the date Database 20.04.2020 - 20.05.2020 so there s

Do i have to put a foreign key relation to any column in a table with relation with another table? larvavel 8, Sql

I have multiple tables, and some do have columns which are related but I am not certain if I have to put the foreign key relations to all columns which are rela

LEFT JOIN to return only first row

I am making a join with two tables, tab_usuarios (users) and tab_enderecos (address). tab_usuarios structure: id_usuario nome usuario 1 Administrador admin 2 N

how to fetch specific number of rows (6 rows) from database and get average of those values , then output average to an integer [duplicate]

i am creating php script to take input from a data base containing [id,value,date] , there are many rows (increasing every minute using an api

How can I organize Role Based Access Control (?) in my scenario?

I have a database where there are products grouped by categories. When a user registers, he selects a category, which cannot be changed. The user will be able t

PHP header() redirect is working when I serve the page from VS code, but not when I fire the script from a cron job or a Cli

I have a simple PHP script that queries MySQL DB and deletes(unlinks) file(s) from an uploads folder when a condition (expiry timestamp) is met. Then it redirec