Android Studio is unable to install an application throwing the following error: adb server version (40) doesn't match this client (41); killing I tried answer
I have a Room database that returns a Flow of objects. When I insert a new item into the database, the Flow's collect function only triggers if the insert was p
I am currently trying to create a calendar app in android studio. The app contains a calendar with different "Views" e.g. monthly view, weekly
I am trying to interact with android app shared_prefs using adb. Let's use VLC for this example. The shared preferences are stored in: /data/data/org.videolan.v
how to use Android Bluetooth api in jetpack compose ? compose need state and Bluetooth api has not compostable function .i mean how to instance state for Blueto
The title pretty much sums it up. I want to detect back/home button press using an Accessibility Service. It seems that onKeyEvent is not triggered when pressin
I am running the Pixel 5 API 30 avd in Android Studio with react native client coding. I am using the expo image picker to pick the image and return to the appl
I have installed both flutter and Dart plugins on Android Studio but when I run flutter doctor, it shows that plugins are not installed Doctor summary (to see a
I'm quite new to all that technologies, but trying to develop an android app with Ionic 6 and Angular 9, compiling with Cordova and publishing in Google Play. E
I am fairly new to Android + Kotlin, however I am wondering if there is a faster way to read a text (.pgn) file and mark pointers to places in the file for late
I have an Android app which renders a FAB with fan out options over other apps (like AZ Screen recorder. Refer image). I want to leverage Flutter for its ease o
I have two urls which falls under the same deep link like below : xxx.yyy.zzz/pages xxx.yyy.zzz/how-deeplinks-work-exactly Now the first one is a list of pages
I am trying to use the slider in Material Design component, but stuck for styling the thumb. My design requirement needs shadow surrounding the thumb. From the
I started to encounter this error when I upgraded the version of the project to androidx. I also upgraded the firebase sdks. I started getting error "Cannot res
private void displayGraph(){ barChart.setDrawBarShadow(false); barChart.setDrawValueAboveBar(true); barChart.setMaxVisibleValueCount(
I don't see this specified in the docs anywhere. Does this listener return the node's data in the order that it is added to the node? For example, if I add mess
i tried to implement viewpager2 with tabLayout with dagger-hilt. then i got error when implementing viewpager2 on dagger hilt "kotlin.UninitializedPropertyAcces
I've set up a RecyclerView and getting some odd behavior when adding Seekbars to every row or "view". I've also tried this just using ListView as well and get t
I hope to pass a method which implement MediaRecorder.OnInfoListener. At present I use Code A to pass the method which implement MediaRecorder.OnInfoListener.
I am working on a Flutter application which integrates a native package which uses Protobuff. I work on Android Studio and Mac (Apple ship). On windows, the app