Category "android"

how to return result in cmd if you use adb to send a broadcast

I have a BroadcastReceiver like this: class PlatformAccountReceiver: BroadcastReceiver(), CoroutineScope by MainScope() { override fun onReceive(co

Google Play Android App Internal Testing - Update button not shown to internal testers

I have found the other versions of my question on SO and have already tried to contact Google through their dev support trying both the chat/email options, but

Android Bluetooth (BLE) corrupted data on onCharacteristicChanged

My app do the following: It sends a command with onDescriptorWrite to the BT device. As soon the BT device gets this command it starts transferring data to the

Paging3 with ViewPager not working (where pages use the same type of PagingSource)

I'm trying to use Paging3 with ViewPager in a project, but something strange is happening. I think it is due to the fact that each page uses the same type of Pa

Modify textview of parent layout from adapter xamarin android

Sorry, I'm using google translate. Hello, I am developing an application in xamarin android with visual studio 2017 to take requests where I send information fr

remove and update items in listview at firebase database

May you help us with our school project. We are trying to delete and update items in listview and firebase database. The delete works but only delete the values

Share file .txt Android

I'm trying to share a .txt file to another app (gmail for example) but I have some problems. I decided to use the file provider. When I select gmail among the a

Gradle - A problem occurred evaluating root project (Android)

hello there I was trying to add this repository allprojects { repositories { google() mavenCentral() } } but don't know why I'm getting

Can I store a composable function in a variable?

In Kotlin, function is a first-class citizen. We can store a function in a variable as below val functionVariable: () -> Unit = ::myFunction fun myFunction(

In App Review opens only once when testing for the same account

So I integrated In App Review for my app

Flutter is not finding android sdk

Whenever i run flutter doctor the following error comes [√] Flutter (Channel stable, 2.8.1, on Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.22000.438], locale en-IN)

Ripple with rounded corners Jetpack Compose

In this answer I got wrong ripple animation. Do you know how to create ripple with rounded corners using Jetpack Compose? With default ripple I have this: Code:

How to change startIconDrawable Size in TextInputLayout

Seems like there is no XML attribute to change the startIconDrawable size in android. The icon is oversized as compared to the text. Here is a screenshot of the

Android why are two identical Fragments created when navigating with NavController

I have an app that uses the single activity and multiple fragments approach and I use the NavController for navigating. Unfortunately, when navigating to a Frag

Lottie working on an Emulator But not on real Device

I have lottie library in my project built on react-native. followed These installation steps on an android, but to my surprise the animation works on fine on em

Error: could not find the correct Provider<List<Parking>> above this ParkingList Widget

import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter_user_profile/home/parking_tile.dart'; import 'package:provider/provider.dart'; import 'parking_t

Bumblebee Android studio Plugin [id: '', version: '7.1.0', apply: false] was not found in any of the following sources:

I updated my android studio from Android studio fox to Android studio Bumblebee 2021.1.1 but none of my projects can run in Android studio Bumblebee 2021.1.1. I

Why onAdDismissedFullScreenContent is being called lately?

I have created a function to show interstitial ad before showing another activity. It's working but onAdDismissedFullScreenContent is being called 2-3 sec latel

PendingIntent fails when target API was upgraded from Android 10 to Android 12

I have an old android app that worked well with API 29 as a target. Now I updated the target to API 31 (Android 12) and the test on an Android 12 phone fails as

How to migrate from Material Design 2 to Material Design 3

I have an application which is designed using Material Design 2. I have not submitted that to Playstore yet. I am now trying to upgrade that application to Mate