Why could a distribution build be failed with SwiftUI? I added SwiftUI into my iOS 10+ project, and build it locally with @available(iOS 13.0, *) prefix, but wh
I am fairly new to core data. I am trying to make a form where each time I add a section header and text from a sheet view, it appears within a new section. The
I'm using UIKeyCommands - Cmd+B to bold text. The code works fine to bold the text. But after i use the Cmd+B and when I type "b" the first time it doesn't disp
I'm using UIKeyCommands - Cmd+B to bold text. The code works fine to bold the text. But after i use the Cmd+B and when I type "b" the first time it doesn't disp
In my app, I want a CTA button to be displayed under the ads. This is located on a UIVisualEffectView for better readability. In principle, it already works as
I'm trying to drag the gray square inside the white square manteinig the starting point CGPoint(x: 0, y: 0) and respecting the extreme coordinates, see of the i
I read in HackingWithSwift that Swift tuples can be compared with == operator only when the number of elements is less than or equal to 6. What is the reason be
I am trying to figure out how to restore the back forward list in a WKWebView. Apple defaults the BackForwardList to be readonly. However, FireFox, Chrome, and
I want to make regular HealthKit requests in the background in a BGTask. I don't want to observe changes in HealthKit necessarily. Is this possible?
So I am attempting to implement Agora RTM within my SwiftUI app. Below is the code I am using to attempt to log on but I keep getting error code 3. Any help wo
I'm porting an iOS app from UIKit to SwiftUI. In this app, I need to capture and respond to keyboard input from a Bluetooth keyboard. In the UIKit app, I was do
I got a warning for the following function after a recent update, I am not sure how to convert it with withUnsafeMutablePointer as indicated by Xcode, not very
Im trying to make my List selectable so I can delete or share multiple instances! Im trying to do that, with this method: List(selection: $selection) Here's my
Every time I am trying to resume my preview canvas in Xcode I get this annoying error. I tried restarting, moving the project to another location, and changing
I'm using a deep linking in my application and using this code in my SceneDelegate to segue to a view controller. func scene(_ scene: UIScene, openURLContexts U
The Bluetooth search page of iPhone shows these offline Bluetooth headsets. I hope to get this list and show it in my app. Can I realize this function? How? th
SwiftUI offers .dynamicTypeSize(...) to control/limit the impact of user Text size preferences. An app developer, for example, can limit dynamic type to Dynamic
I'm trying to merge a pre-existing video with a newly recorded audio voiceover track. User can set the relative sound volume for the two audio tracks (audio bel
I recently built a simple music app that does fine on my deactivated iPhone. I have since bought a Mac mini so I could run it natively on that platform with Mac
I have a vector (converted to Pdf) that I want to use as my background for my app. However, the Image is aligned all the way to the left as you'd expect when us