Category "javascript"

Why does the ExtJS style not match the official web demo?

This is the official demo This is my demo The splitter element style is different, I don't know why this happened. And my code is here, and I put my demo to htt

React: Uncaught (in promise) Error: Request failed with status code 400

I'm sending a uid a token and two form inputs from formik to my django rest api for a password reset. When i do so i receive a 400 error with a response that i'

How do I filter and then use API Data?

I have this sports API and I want to be able to pull only certain league ids from this data and use those selected leagues to display them. here is the API Call

How to obtain URL from a rel=canonical tag using Javascript

I'm using Disqus comments system and I'm trying to use the feature of adding comment count links. The code that I can use is below: <span class="disqus-comme

Error: invalid BigNumber value (argument="value", value=undefined, code=INVALID_ARGUMENT, version=bignumber/5.6.0)

I was following Patrick Video "" where I encounter this error at 2:31:20 and the code in that video is al

React - UI Clicks are not responsive

The problem is after certain changes(for example logout and login), clicks start to be less responsive or not responsive at all. This happens both in local and

MSAL login not working in production for node.js , Javascript application

I have used Msal.js for login to microsoft account inorder to call microsoft graph api. On local everything is working fine but after deployment on production,

Functionality to search bar

I am working on making a search bar that will filter my site for reports(urls) based on what is typed in. It currently works sort of. It will filter the items b

How can I solve 404 issue using the OpenSea JavaScript SDK?

I am trying to use OpenSea API with the JS SDK. I am getting two types of errors. One is a deprecated warning. Another is a 404 error. This is the error I am ge

How to print the checkbox in a row instead of column?

<div> <div> <IndeterminateCheckbox {...getToggleHideAllColumnsProps()} /> Toggle All </div> {

I am trying to add an object to the end of an array inside said object

I have some code that creates a bunch of Creatures(cells) and they move around the screen and eat food. They all have an age variable so once they become a cert

Get associative array after post via ajax

I need to send a form and a array/string to the server. My Ajax looks like this: var formData = $("#formpv").serialize(); $.ajax({ type

Improve debugging output of a recursive function

I have the following recursive function to count the number of ways change can be returned given various coin denominations: function makeChange(amount, coi

Improve debugging output of a recursive function

I have the following recursive function to count the number of ways change can be returned given various coin denominations: function makeChange(amount, coi

how to send jwt token correctly

In my angular application I am trying to send a jwt token as a header in order to authorize my app for requests. But I am getting an error 500 because I am send

Extjs 4.X Move records of a grid UP/DOWN with a button

This post is continuation of my earlier post (here) for which I couldnt find a working solution (yet). In brief: I have created a Extjs (4.X) grid which has rec

How can we get Data from web3 using Nodejs

how can I get the token details like name, symbol, and decimals details using Nodejs and web3js

Unable to find svgs assets with Parcel in React and TS

I've added parcel to a create-react-app project that uses the typescript template. I'm trying to add svgs to my outputted js file following the recommendations

jso.numfields not returning anything within Excel VBA while connecting to PDF file

So I am trying to write a VBA Macro in Excel that will loop through all 400+ .pdf files I have in a folder, extract pertinent data from them, and store that dat

Why a click on svg element is not captured by node contains method?

I have a basic modal with a svg icon within its html structure. I want to detect clicks outside the modal so I can close it. The code to do so is something like