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How can I view network requests (for debugging) in React Native on Windows?

I found a lot of answers on this topic example but they were all about Mac Os, I would like to view my network requests in React Native to help me debug Windows

How to use wp_insert_post to create a page with Elementor content?

I want to create a page using wp_insert_post but set the page to have Elementor content. Here is the code I have: // Create post object $my_post = array( 'p

Not getting event from smart contract on ethers.js

I have contract this part is simply creating smart contract for NFT. At the end of the createToken() I am emitting event. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apa

XML: delete unwanted tags but keep text content

I am trying to tidy up a corpus with way too many tags. To do this, I want to filter out/remove the useless tags but keep the text content. I'm quite new at wor

Could not find com.yqritc:android-scalablevideoview:1.0.4 react-native-video in Android

I want to use react-native-video in my project. After installing this package I got this error every time (Only in android). I have added all the additional cod

Multi-threaded input processing

I am new to using multithreading and I am working on a program that handles mouse movement, it consists of two threads, the main thread gets the input and store

In Gateway Zuul Filters, how to modify the ContentType of an API request

My requirement is to receive an encrypted request of content-type text/plain. Using the zuul pre filter I will have to decrypt the request and forward the decry

Notification channel 'basic_channel' does not exist., n.a.a.k.f.a:

As per flutter package I implemented code on my project but it threw exception while making build, "Notification channel 'call_channel' does not exist., n.a.a.k

Add hours from input , Datetime/Timedelta (Python)

I'm trying to make a script to go to a website and enter in a time in a 24 hour format. I'm using the pyautogui module to perform the web tasks, and Datetime/Ti

Use Wildcards in Replace Function in combination with 2D Array Values

I'm trying to go through a list with two columns and replace some of the text in the second column. I want to search for values using wildcards in combination w

ndarray type annotation typescript

I created a function that creates an array from a given shape with typescript. But how do I specify the return type of that function as it will vary depending o

Angular component is not a known element

I have recently upgraded my angular project from angular 8 to angular 9, when I try to run serve command I am getting below error. error NG8001: 'app-abcd-bread

JMeter timeshift issue

I've been working with timeshift, but it seems that timeshift does not do what I expect it should do. When I input a DateTime into TimeShift to work with it alw

Is there a way to get the real sequence_length in the model description of a RNN/LSTM in Keras?

I would like to get to know the real sequence_length in Keras for a LSTM/RNN. Unfortunately, when I print the model I only get None all the time as a value. Her

How to set up Power Automate with every combination of 5 conditions

I have a survey with 5 different yes/no questions. If they answer yes to any question, more questions will appear. I want to create a flow that sends an email t

typegraphql-prisma: Unable to infer GraphQL type from TypeScript reflection system

I've got an application (remix-run) with prisma and mongodb. I would like to use typescript-prisma to generate graphql resolvers. In my schema.prisma, I have cr

How to seize 1 resource unit and not the entire resource pool for downtime tasks

I have a resource pool which contains 2 units. I also have a downtime defined for this resource pool. When the downtime is triggered, the entire resource pool o

Frontend fetch not working but backend shows the API

I have been trying to fetch the user's data from the backend to set it to the state in the front-end of my application. I am using MERN stack. I am on my learni

Error on building app using Ngx-extended-pdf-viewer

Just started angular and I am trying to use a PDF Viewer integrated into my application. I saw ngx-extended-pdf-viewer while browsing which library to use and t

State of an instance is not updating -- SwiftUI

So I have this structure Task which has a @State completion: struct Task:Identifiable{ var id: Int @State var completion:Bool = false var priority:S

Web scraping returns empty character

I am attempting to put together a real estate dataset, however when I try and extract the text from the website, for example the names of the places, it returns

Automatically generating Webpack chunk names for dynamic imports

I would like my webpack-generated JS chunk files to have the same name as the source filename. I know I can achieve this by explicitely adding a magic comment l

How to find and replace the column name?

I am trying to find and replace the column name. I want to loop in the first row only but my code loops the entire sheet. Dim sht As Worksheet Dim fndList As V

Pop-up doesn't show up in MVC

I'm trying to add pop-ups for login but they don't show up. When I make some changes messages work right but they show up as Json. Now only the RedirectToActio

Adsense "Auto Ads" force CLS Layout Shift

we use the Adsense "Auto Ads" and are generally very happy with it. Unfortunately we have a problem with the CLS (Cummulative Layout Shift) on our mobile (!) si

Matrix multiplication by rearranging

I have a list of matrix dimensions like: (1, 2), (3, 2), (2, 3), (3, 1) I want to rearrange the matrix dimensions so that all of them can be multiplied. For the

Signal assignments from multiple if statements

Out of academic interest, is the following code acceptable: logic a, b, c; int out; always_ff @(posedge clk) begin out <= 1; if (a) out <= 2; if (b)

Using rememberCoroutineScope() vs LaunchedEffect

Context In Jetpack compose, we have the option of using rememberCoroutineScope() as well as using the LaunchedEffect composable in order to use coroutines / run

how can we configure unicode decoding in Logback yaml file.?

how can we configure Unicode decoding in Logback yaml file.? logging: level: INFO appenders: - type: console includeCallerData: true timeZon

Removing Wild Card * from a Shopify store's search bar

This * is really driving me nuts. Whenever a user enters a search term an asterisk * is added to the end of the search term automatically. My development team,