I am working on a tkinter program but anytime I run the program, the terminal hangs. Is there a way I can prevent the terminal from hanging when the tkinter pro
I'm reading an Excel spreadsheet using the microsoft.office.interop.excel library in C#. I need to first determine that a cell in the sheet contains a Dropdown
I am using tronlink chrome extension and trying to call balanceOf method of a smart contract. I am very new to smart contract. Unable to find any solution. Plea
I have installed Spark 3.0.0 on a Windows 64 bit machine with Python 3.9.7 using an anaconda base environment. I'm trying to execute the next code in the pyspar
I am getting the below error while using Edge as browser in my script (Chrome is working fine) WebDriverException: Message: 'MicrosoftWebDriver.exe' executable
I'm working on the following layout issue: the page heading is center aligned. It should have a background image on its left side, and the background should als
I'm trying to give the end-user an option on the UI to reset MFA if the end-user loses access to the device they've been using. I want to change the user.challa
for (i in 1:25) { pid.means[,i] = apply(get(paste("pid.tf",i,sep="")), 1, mean, na.rm = TRUE) } I understand the function of this for loop, but i can't fin
Everything's running perfectly throught cmd on my pc but when i host it on my host servers i have this error: `:/home/container$ npm start knexfile.js Starting
I know that you cant stack or concatenate arrays of different lenghths in NumPy as all matrices need to be rectangular, but is there any other way to achieve th
I want to know exactly which strings I can pass as codec to VideoEncoder.isConfigSupported({ codec, width, height }) but so far I have not found a definite answ
I'm using a deep linking in my application and using this code in my SceneDelegate to segue to a view controller. func scene(_ scene: UIScene, openURLContexts U
I have one VF page. I want user should able to access that vf page after entering password in modal that open first when VF page loads. But currently when VF pa
We are planning to upgrade our Cloud SQL postgresql instances to V12. According to the instance upgrade guide, we should export data from the current instance
On Github we can set automatically deletion of branches after merge for a repository (like explained here). I want to do this for 30 repositories. Is there a
I have Action Item Tickets Project = x, issuetype = ActionItem But i need Actions items which is liked to Specific Epics issuetype = Epic, labels in (A1,A2) Onl
I am using google drive to show images on a website. I'm using the following url to show the images: https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id={fileId} It
Problem Image I'm not able to start Stripe in react native using expo const [prepared, setPrepared] = useState(false); const [isAvaliable, setAvaliable] = useSt
I am currently trying to get a flatten a data in databricks table. Since some of the columns are deeply nested and is of 'String' type, i couldn't use explode f
I'm using the latest version of CodeReady Containers but after the first run, it doesn't start anymore: >crc start -p pull-secret.txt Is '/Applications/Code
An upgrade from SQLAlchemy version 1.4.0b2 to 1.4.0b3 results in the following error when attempting to connect to a SQLite engine, using the asyncio extension.
im getting the below error. Sprockets::FileNotFound at / couldn't find file 'owl.theme.default' with type 'text/css' Checked in these paths: /home/xyz/abc/pr
Extenet reports is displaying as source code please click on this for the screenshot.
I'm trying to make v-bind within css work based on this feature: https://v3.vuejs.org/api/sfc-style.html#state-driven-dynamic-css and https://github.com/vuejs/r
I have five YouTube channels that are all under one user account (one e-mail address). I can switch between them at will within the YouTube mobile app, YT Stud
I have points generated one by one, and when a new point is generated, I want to draw a line segment connecting with the previous point. Like this: var x by re
TLDR: I have been googling and finding opinions and blog posts but looking for some established (if any) Best Practices for Rest API Healthcheck development. I
I'm running the command: tn = telnetlib.Telnet(HOST, PORT) tn.write(b'LOGIN:::CTAG::UN=admin,PWD=admin;') tn.write(b'LST-UNREGONU::OLTID=;')
Background: As described in bullet #4 of my other post I'm trying to follow CDennig's example bicep script to grant my blazor (server) application access to bot
After having some problems to update log4j in a Grails 2.4 project (which I don't think I have accomplised yet, btw) Update log4j in Grails 2.4 results in "Coul