'A cuda wrapper to execute openCL

I'm involved in a project where I have to do gpu programming, one of my constraint is to do it on a nvidia device (thus in CUDA). But I haven't access to a device equipped with nvidia gpu.

So I would like to know if there is any wrapper that exist which could allow me to write a CUDA code but executed as an openCL code to make it work on an amd gpu ?

ps : gpuocelot could fit well IF I would not have to do it on windows system.

Solution 1:[1]

Is the "CUDA" constraint an actual one? Because GPU programming on NVIDIA hardware doesn't necessarily imply CUDA. You have other possible solutions such as:

If it were me and the code permitting, I would try to develop using Thrust. But that's up to you.

Solution 2:[2]

You could take a look at GPU Ocelot. According to its website:

Ocelot currently allows CUDA programs to be executed on NVIDIA GPUs, AMD GPUs, and x86-CPUs at full speed without recompilation.


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Solution Source
Solution 1 Gilles
Solution 2 fuzzyTew