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powershell script to select directory

I would like to create a powershell function or cmdlet that would allow me to quickly navigate to files and function like the example below. Could someone enlig

Is there a way to remove or add columns in an Azure Devops test case?

When you add an Azure DevOps test case the default is for each step to have a Steps field, an Action field, an Expected Result field and an Attachment field. Is

Typescript - Expression is not callable but fixed by a guard/narrowing

Here is my function. export class GetPipe { public transform<K, V>( list: | Array<V> | List<V>

Reading node child process (spawn) stdout with line breaks

I'm trying to run a child process in node.js with function runProcess (args) { args = args || []; var proc = spawn('node', [path.join(__dirname, '..', 'bin

Integrating Mediapipe into iOS

Problem: After building Mediapipe and playing around with their example iOS apps I was surprised to see that I could not find any comprehensive materials out th

How can add properties to my objects based on the duplicates inside the array?

I have this array of objects let arr = [ { id: 1, }, { id: 1, }, { id: 2, }, { id: 1, }, {

Why is tryEmit not included in the FlowCollector interface?

MutableSharedFlow and MutableStateFlow (via inheritance) include both the emit suspend function and the best effort, non-suspend tryEmit. But FlowCollector only

change the class that is behind the id gChatFrame

Retrieve the class that has the ID "gChatFrame" in the comment system: sigComments to replace the style. hard to figure out how to get to this class to modify i

Bitbucket Pull Request Merge

What I want to achieve is: developers (with write access) should create a branch and a pull request to commit changes. Admins should be allowed to push without