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How to run the C# application from Visual Studio which can be accessed by 'https://{my ip address}:aport'

I have a ASP.NET C# application and I am able to run it locally on my machine. I see it is IIS Express is hosting my application. I can access it using 'https

Kotlin check List contain ignore case

Having the equals ignore case option if (bookType.equals(, true)) Is there an option to do contain similar with ignore case? val validTypes = l

Flink Tableconfig setIdleStateRetention seems to be not working

I have a Kafka stream and Hive table that I want to use as lookup table to enhance data from kafka. Hive table points to parquet file in S3. Hive table is updat

JDBC Spring 4 NamedParameterJdbcTemplate with enum

I have been using JdbcTemplate very happyly but then I got convinced to use NamedParameterJdbcTemplate. However not enjoying this so far sometimes or all the ti

PHP - XML Object inside XML Object in Soap Response

<diffgr:diffgram xmlns:msdata="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata" xmlns:diffgr="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-diffgram-v1"> <NewDataSet

Objection JS & Postgres & Exporess returning 'TypeError: Cannot read property 'isPartial' of null' on many to many relation query

I am trying to relate table named 'products' to another table named 'tags'. I have a many to many table titled 'products_tags'. When running const product = aw

How to remove indicator line of TextField in Androidx Compose Material?

I would like to remove the purple line/indicator (see the following image) of TextField. Is that possible or should I create my own custom TextField to achieve

Ifelse function based on multiple conditions

I am trying to create a new column (TRUE/FALSE) based on the values of three other columns (also TRUE/FALSE). This is a small sample. DF ID 1 2 3

Error: Invalid value for region: project: required field is not set

On GCP, I'm trying to create a Cloud Run service and a Serverless Network Endpoint Group with this Terraform code below: provider "google" { credentials = fil