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How to extend GitKraken commit summary length

I would need to have a larger commit summary size, if someone is wondering why, it's for having a more descriptive summary to make it easier to spot and underst

curl lib in php needs html button click

I am trying to open a SAML xml endpoint with the following PHP code: $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$URL); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT

SQL date Filter | Model Performace

We have to split the data into train and test sets and calculate the True positive rate metric in SQL. We have the data until ID 1000, Below is the sample table

getting "KeyError" while implementing Z-score on a dataset

I have been trying to implement z-score normalization to all of the numeric values present in combined_data with the following code: from scipy.stats import zsc

The GraphQL query in the non-page component

Material that i Used ・Contentful ・Gatsby ・Graphql Success Got a Content from Contentful By using a 8000_graphql and show up on local URL(h

ERROR 1130 (HY000): Host 'localhost' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server

So I am stuck with this error when trying to connect my node.js application with MySQL. It won't let me connect to MySQL from localhost, not a single command is

Why am I getting double reference to type when iterating over vector of references? [duplicate]

Consider following minimum reproducible. I have a vector of objects and I have a hashmap where each value is a vector of references to objects

'Invalid or unexpected token' error in webview espresso test

google play console pre-launch report, reports an exception occured in webview. but error log says its related to webview espresso testing: java.lang.RuntimeExc