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How to use localStorage variable in safe?

Iam tray to use isAuthenticated useState in all component to stop users traying to set url of any other component but I think it is not safe to storage

org.springframework.dao.InvalidDataAccessResourceUsageException: could not extract ResultSet; SQL [n/a];

I am trying to test an “add” functionality in my service in spring boot.most cases that i saw were different data types, but i don't think that this

Postgresql full standalone backup on remote host

I am trying to figure out what is the correct way to create a full standalone backup which will be stored on a remote host(I should use pg_basebackup). I suppos

How can I fill out a Python string with spaces?

I want to fill out a string with spaces. I know that the following works for zero's: >>> print "'%06d'"%4 '000004' But what should I do when I want

React-native - undefined is not a function (evaluating navigation.openDrawer()')

I'm very new to React native. I'm going to share my codes here App.js import React, {Component} from 'react'; import Routes from './src/Routes'; export defaul

In Terraform, what is '${element(aws_subnet.public.*.id, count.index)}'?

Can anyone explain this line. subnet_id = "${element(aws_subnet.public.*.id, count.index)}" I used this in terraform code for creating one stack

Java getter vs Kotlin getter - any difference?

Lets have these two getters in Kotlin: data class Foo(var id: String){ val reference get() = Reference("Patient/$id") } data class Foo(var id: String){ fun