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Overloading the assignment operator= doesn't work for anything except the implicit object passed in c++

The comparison in the assignment operator works as expected, but when I try to use a temp variable and load then return that, all it returns is the defaults. De

laravel - check and update queued job status to db

Currently I am setting up a queue to insert data from CSV files to the DB using file upload. The queue and data extraction is working currently, but I am lookin

Android Extra White Space in Tool Bar

I am trying to brainstorm some ideas as to why my toolbar has extra whitespace at the top. I have confirmed through logging that during onResume() the paddingTo

How to make page adaptive in tailwind?

I have a figma design template with login form in pixels: .form { position: relative; width: 632px; height: 1280px; } .row { display: grid; grid-col

Create entire new document or update existing in mongodb using mongoose (nodejs)

Hi all I am trying to create a new document or update it if it exists here is the code if (!isMemberr) { const newSubscription = new membership({

C# JSON deserialize: failing stating I need an array when everything is already an array

I must be blind. This is what I am receiving from API: { "temperatures": [ { "field": "temp1", "values": [ {

Temporary animation over image after clicking it (Angular 13)

I'm working on an Angular 13 application with a quite simple combat system, in which you can attack enemies by clicking their images, and I'm looking a way to a

Attach Event to Bootstrap DatetimePicker

Using Javascript, how can I attach an event listener for when the datetime has been changed in the Bootstrap DatetimePicker (Homepage) <script> $(fun

Promise / then returning prior to nested promise?

I feel like I'm missing something here, but can't quite figure it out even after reading all the other Stackoverflow questions on nested promises. Using seleniu